ou’ve probably heard about the low-carb, high-fat diet that’s so popular among actors and models, and with good reason: low-carb diets offer proper nourishment with whole foods while keeping your body burning fat for fuel. This is a great way to be, as it makes fat loss largely effortless! But where does this “ketogenic” word fit into the picture?

Well, ketogenic comes from the word “ketosis“, which is a state in which your body breaks down fat molecules into ketones to provide energy. This state is achieved through very low carbohydrate intake and higher than normal fat intake. The “normal” state of the body’s metabolism is called “glycolysis”, where carbs are burnt for energy. The long and short is that when your body is in carb-burning mode, it will use all available carbs for energy before it touches stored fat. In ketosis, your body is primed to burn fat, and this is great news for anyone trying to get trim and slim.

Benefits of Ketosis

By cutting carb intake significantly, we can drastically reduce insulin resistance, the precursor to type 2 diabetes. In addition, low-carb diets, along with exercise, can be very effective at helping alleviate the symptoms and progression of type 2 diabetes. Beyond that, ketosis itself is appetite-suppressing, meaning your hunger will naturally check itself, increasing your caloric deficit and making you lose fat even faster.

Getting Started

Ketosis takes some time to get into – about two weeks of low-carb eating is required for the initial adaptation. During this time there will be bouts of sluggishness, fatigue, headaches, and some gastrointestinal issues as you adapt, often referred to as “keto flu“. Proper electrolyte intake will correct most of these issues. In addition, the “diet” aspect of this ketogenic diet plan – that is, the caloric restriction – shouldn’t be worried about. Weight loss will come as your body regulates appetite as it the addiction to sugar and processed food lessens, so restricting calories during the initial two weeks isn’t recommended.

The meal plan is designed to ensure you get three balanced, healthy meals a day that addresses fiber, satiation, and adequate protein intake. The greatest part of a ketogenic diet is the fact that it spares muscle loss, whereas a carb-based diet doesn’t. Weight lost in a high-carb, calorie-restricted diet will often come both from muscle and fat, whereas with keto, you can burn fat without sacrificing muscle. This is referred to often as “body recomposition” and leaves you with a much more preferred physique after weight loss.

Additional Points of Interest

Ketogenic diets often create a significant loss of water during the first phases. This is because carbs are converted to glycogen in your body, which is stored in water within the muscles and liver. As you deplete stored glycogen, your body flushes this water out. This is a huge part of the initial weight loss during the first few weeks of ketosis. While the rapid fat loss does occur at first, a lot of water weight is often dropped as well, but this is a great encouragement as it often results in both weight loss and less bloating, allowing clothes to fit better.

  • Meat: Beef, goat, lamb, turkey, pork, veal, chicken.
  • Fish: Salmon, trout, catfish, sardines, tuna, haddock, and many others.
  • Fruits: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, avocado.
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, and many others.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, etc.
  • Dairy Products: Cheese, Greek yogurt, sour cream, heavy cream.
  • Fats and Oils: Peanut Butte, flaxseed oil, butter, sesame oil, olive oil, and almond oil. ( If you want to see more ketogenic diet foods, read this: The Ultimate List of Foods to Eat on a Ketogenic Diet

Foods to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet

  • Grains: Grains: Wheat, oats, corn, barley, and rye. Includes bread and pasta.
  • Artificial Sweeteners: Sucralose, Equal, Acesulfame, Splenda, Saccharin, etc.
  • Processed Foods: If it contains carrageenan, don’t eat it.
  • “Low-fat” products: Atkins products, drinks, gluten, diet soda, etc.

7-Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan And Menu

So you have found the ketogenic diet, have figured out your macros and you are itching to get started. Here is a ketogenic diet meal plan for one week. If you are just getting situated use this basic plan to help get going.


I just started MONTH five of a ketogenic diet(45 lbs lost). I’m by no means an expert. I am now 46 years old and I have spent my entire life trying to lose weight. Ironically I have also spent years learning about nutrition and exercise. Figuring out macronutrients just comes naturally to me as I have done it so much over my life. By following a keto diet this is the first time I have seen any real success in losing unwanted pounds. This is despite years of working out and being active.

I have had a very successful go of it so far, and I feel that a lot of you who are trying to get started with a ketogenic diet may get overwhelmed and confused with all of the numbers and information that is coming at you. Hence this ketogenic diet meal plan. It is what I am doing to keep things simple. I am a guy. I need simple.

For me, I think that success with a keto diet is found with having some base meals and adding some variety later on if needed. Hell, I eat the same thing pretty much every day. Not too exciting but losing 45 pounds in 4 months IS exciting, so I am sticking with it. If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.


The daily meals will be bacon and eggs, chicken with vegetables, and beef with vegetables. These are base meals and will provide good macros for some people. For others who need more food(fat), you can just add a keto-friendly snack or 2 to get your macros up to where they need to be. This is what I need to do.

  • A dozen eggs.
  • A package of bacon.
  • Butter. (real butter)
  • A pack of boneless SKIN ON chicken thighs
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 bell pepper (Green, red, yellow, that’s your choice.)
  • Two bulbs of garlic. (Optional, but very heart healthy.)
  • A big bag of mixed frozen vegetables, at least 12 cups worth. If you are not sure what to get, just pick something else that’s keto friendly like frozen broccoli.)
  •  a bag of almonds, and a jar of almond butter (very expensive – the cheapest I can find is 10$ for 750g at Costco).
  • A package of beef. You want to find some kind of beef that you can imagine cutting/dividing into 6 equal portions of about 5.5 ounces each(a bit bigger than a deck of cards.)


I am not much for cooking but I am doing better. A ketogenic diet meal plan does work better when you have food ready to go. It takes the guesswork out and we need to keep this as simple as possible in order to have success.

  • Put the 12 thighs into the oven with all the cloves from a bulb of garlic. You should separate the cloves, but you don’t need to skin them. The heat from the oven will do that nicely, and you can peel them when you eat them.
  • While the thighs are cooking, hard boil the eggs. Then set them aside to cool.
  • Take a skillet, put some butter in it, and then fry up the bacon. (Note: Some might argue that butter isn’t needed. In my experience, you can either grease up that pan somehow, or your first strips of bacon will come out burnt.)
  • Dice up half the onion, and save the other half for next week.
  • Cut up the pepper
  • You might need to take the chicken out at this point. If it’s done, pull it out, and let it cool.
  • In the skillet (I love to use the bacon grease as a base) sauté the pepper and half onion, and another bulb’s worth of garlic cloves. (leave the skin on, just like before.)
  • Add the beef and brown it.


  • Wash/rinse out 12 containers.
  • In 6 of them, put 2 chicken thighs each. Share the garlic between them, and evenly divide the fat juice.
  • In the other 6 evenly spoon out the beef/pepper/onion mix.
  • Take the veggie blend, and evenly pour it across the 12 containers, right on top of the meat.
  • Put them all in your fridge. If you have minimal fridge space you could just put some in there, and then rest in your freezer. Just pull another out when you pull from the fridge.
  • Pull out six plastic bags and put 2 hard-boiled eggs in each.
  • Evenly divide your remaining bacon by 6.
  • Now brown bag it, and put it in your fridge.


Right now you have 6 day’s worth of meals in your fridge

  • 6 bags with 2 hard-boiled eggs and bacon
  • 6 containers of thighs/veggies
  • 6 containers of Beef/Veggies

Okay, so this is only 6 days. Make extra for day 7 OR you can try to get creative and plan your own meals. Ruled. I have some awesome keto recipes if you are feeling brave.

*I messed up. The macros of each “meal” above are too high in protein and too low in fat so reduce the amount of meat in each meal by about half AND add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to each meal(or some cheese). Please forgive me!!

For this base ketogenic meal plan I am going to use the following macronutrient profile that I helped someone set up for themselves:


  • Net carbs – 20g per day
  • Protein  – 80 g per day
  • Fat  – 130 g per day

Now divide each of those by 3(for 3 meals per day) and you get:

  • ≈7 net carbs per meal
  • ≈26 grams of protein per meal
  • ≈44 grams of fat per meal

Omg, so much math! If you halve the protein in each meal you will be pretty close to these totals PER MEAL! 

Personally, I need more protein and fat each day and so will some of you. So I add in some snacks, cheese, or keto fudge during the day to get my macros up where they need to be. I also drink homemade Bulletproof coffee which for me is:

  • 1 cup coffee
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 1 tbsp full-fat coconut milk(in a can)

This adds about 25g of fat to my day.

If you got hungry on Day One between breakfast and lunch, or lunch and supper while you’re still at work eat more fat!

You may also want to consider adding these fat-boosting strategies:

  • Full fat cream, butter, coconut oil, and MCT oil in your coffee.
  • Put a tablespoon of mayonnaise on the chicken while it’s baking.
  • Top the vegetables with some cheese before reheating.


It’s also worth pointing out that you may want to consider taking a multivitamin with the ketogenic diet meal plan. It is very low on Vitamins B1, D, E, and K. Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, and Potassium are also very low, but we need to manage those as part of our electrolyte strategy anyways on keto.

Do not omit essential electrolytes: Sodium (Na+), Chloride (Cl-), Potassium (K+), Magnesium (Mg++), Calcium (Ca++), Phosphate (HPO4–), Bicarbonate (HCO3-). Lack of electrolytes or more pointedly the body’s primary electrolyte sodium (aka Salt) is responsible for lethargy, brain fog, and keto flu symptoms on high fats diets.

You should be aiming for at least 8 cups of water a day. I have a 600ml bottle and I empty it at least 10 times a day. That is a lot of water and yes I am going to the bathroom a lot. Carbs hold water, so with minimal carbs, this will speed up the flushing of water. So even more bathroom breaks.


The “easiest” way to actually track your eating(and thus your macros)  for your ketogenic diet meal plan is to set up a free account with MyFitnessPal.

This app is both web-based and/or you can use it with your phone. I cannot stress the importance of tracking what you eat. Doing this has made all the difference in the world for me and is a huge part of my keto diet success.

Once you get your account set up you just enter the food you eat and the app calculates your total consumption for each macro and your total calories. There is also a “bar code scanner” as part of the app. You use your phone to “scan” the bar code of the food you are eating and it enters it into your daily eating plan. Genius!


I am proof that a ketogenic diet works. I also know that it can be confusing as hell trying to deal with all of the numbers and then figuring out what to eat. I am hopi


You may have heard about the highly effective low-carb, high-fat diet that’s gaining popularity among celebrities and fitness enthusiasts. This diet offers a balanced mix of nutrients from whole foods, allowing your body to efficiently burn fat for energy. The result? Effortless weight loss! But what’s the connection between this diet and the term “ketogenic”?

Well, ketogenic comes from the word “ketosis“, which is a state in which your body breaks down fat molecules into ketones to provide energy. This state is achieved through very low carbohydrate intake and higher than normal fat intake. The “normal” state of the body’s metabolism is called “glycolysis”, where carbs are burnt for energy. The long and short is that when your body is in carb-burning mode, it will use all available carbs for energy before it touches stored fat. In ketosis, your body is primed to burn fat, and this is great news for anyone trying to get trim and slim.

Here are different types of ketogenic diets:

  1. Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD)
  2. Very low-carb, moderate-protein, high-fat diet
  3. Macronutrient breakdown:
    1. Fat: 70-80% of daily calories
    2. Protein: 15-20% of daily calories
    3. Carbohydrates: 5-10% of daily calories
  4. Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD)
  5. Alternates between periods of standard ketogenic diet and periods of high-carb intake
  6. Typically used by athletes or bodybuilders to replenish glycogen stores
  7. Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD)
  8. Allows for increased carbohydrate intake around workouts
  9. Designed for athletes or individuals who require more carbohydrates for intense physical activity
  10. High-Protein Ketogenic Diet
  11. Similar to the standard ketogenic diet, but with a higher protein intake
  12. Macronutrient breakdown:
    1. Fat: 60-70% of daily calories
    2. Protein: 25-30% of daily calories
    3. Carbohydrates: 5-10% of daily calories
  13. Keto-Paleo Diet
  14. Combines the principles of the ketogenic diet with the paleo diet
  15. Focuses on whole, unprocessed foods and eliminates grains, dairy, and legumes
  16. Keto-Vegan Diet
  17. A plant-based version of the ketogenic diet
  18. Focuses on high-fat, low-carb plant-based foods and eliminates animal products

Benefits of Ketosis

By cutting carb intake significantly, we can drastically reduce insulin resistance, the precursor to type 2 diabetes. In addition, low-carb diets, along with exercise, can be very effective at helping alleviate the symptoms and progression of type 2 diabetes. Beyond that, ketosis itself is appetite-suppressing, meaning your hunger will naturally check itself, increasing your caloric deficit and making you lose fat even faster.

Getting Started

Ketosis takes some time to get into – about two weeks of low-carb eating is required for the initial adaptation. During this time there will be bouts of sluggishness, fatigue, headaches, and some gastrointestinal issues as you adapt, often referred to as “keto flu“. Proper electrolyte intake will correct most of these issues. In addition, the “diet” aspect of this ketogenic diet plan – that is, the caloric restriction – shouldn’t be worried about. Weight loss will come as your body regulates appetite as it the addiction to sugar and processed food lessens, so restricting calories during the initial two weeks isn’t recommended.

The meal plan is designed to ensure you get three balanced, healthy meals a day that addresses fiber, satiation, and adequate protein intake. The greatest part of a ketogenic diet is the fact that it spares muscle loss, whereas a carb-based diet doesn’t. Weight lost in a high-carb, calorie-restricted diet will often come both from muscle and fat, whereas with keto, you can burn fat without sacrificing muscle. This is referred to often as “body recomposition” and leaves you with a much more preferred physique after weight loss.

Additional Points of Interest

Ketogenic diets often create a significant loss of water during the first phases. This is because carbs are converted to glycogen in your body, which is stored in water within the muscles and liver. As you deplete stored glycogen, your body flushes this water out. This is a huge part of the initial weight loss during the first few weeks of ketosis. While the rapid fat loss does occur at first, a lot of water weight is often dropped as well, but this is a great encouragement as it often results in both weight loss and less bloating, allowing clothes to fit better.

  • Meat: Beef, goat, lamb, turkey, pork, veal, chicken.
  • Fish: Salmon, trout, catfish, sardines, tuna, haddock, and many others.
  • Fruits: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, avocado.
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, and many others.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, etc.
  • Dairy Products: Cheese, Greek yogurt, sour cream, heavy cream.
  • Fats and Oils: Peanut Butte, flaxseed oil, butter, sesame oil, olive oil, and almond oil. ( If you want to see more ketogenic diet foods, read this: The Ultimate List of Foods to Eat on a Ketogenic Diet

Foods to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet

  • Grains: Grains: Wheat, oats, corn, barley, and rye. Includes bread and pasta.
  • Artificial Sweeteners: Sucralose, Equal, Acesulfame, Splenda, Saccharin, etc.
  • Processed Foods: If it contains carrageenan, don’t eat it.
  • “Low-fat” products: Atkins products, drinks, gluten, diet soda, etc.

7-Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan And Menu

So you have found the ketogenic diet, have figured out your macros and you are itching to get started. Here is a ketogenic diet meal plan for one week. If you are just getting situated use this basic plan to help get going.


I just started MONTH five of a ketogenic diet(45 lbs lost). I’m by no means an expert. I am now 46 years old and I have spent my entire life trying to lose weight. Ironically I have also spent years learning about nutrition and exercise. Figuring out macronutrients just comes naturally to me as I have done it so much over my life. By following a keto diet this is the first time I have seen any real success in losing unwanted pounds. This is despite years of working out and being active.

I have had a very successful go of it so far, and I feel that a lot of you who are trying to get started with a ketogenic diet may get overwhelmed and confused with all of the numbers and information that is coming at you. Hence this ketogenic diet meal plan. It is what I am doing to keep things simple. I am a guy. I need simple.

For me, I think that success with a keto diet is found with having some base meals and adding some variety later on if needed. Hell, I eat the same thing pretty much every day. Not too exciting but losing 45 pounds in 4 months IS exciting, so I am sticking with it. If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.


The daily meals will be bacon and eggs, chicken with vegetables, and beef with vegetables. These are base meals and will provide good macros for some people. For others who need more food(fat), you can just add a keto-friendly snack or 2 to get your macros up to where they need to be. This is what I need to do.

  • A dozen eggs.
  • A package of bacon.
  • Butter. (real butter)
  • A pack of boneless SKIN ON chicken thighs
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 bell pepper (Green, red, yellow, that’s your choice.)
  • Two bulbs of garlic. (Optional, but very heart healthy.)
  • A big bag of mixed frozen vegetables, at least 12 cups worth. If you are not sure what to get, just pick something else that’s keto friendly like frozen broccoli.)
  •  a bag of almonds, and a jar of almond butter (very expensive – the cheapest I can find is 10$ for 750g at Costco).
  • A package of beef. You want to find some kind of beef that you can imagine cutting/dividing into 6 equal portions of about 5.5 ounces each(a bit bigger than a deck of cards.)


I am not much for cooking but I am doing better. A ketogenic diet meal plan does work better when you have food ready to go. It takes the guesswork out and we need to keep this as simple as possible in order to have success.

  • Put the 12 thighs into the oven with all the cloves from a bulb of garlic. You should separate the cloves, but you don’t need to skin them. The heat from the oven will do that nicely, and you can peel them when you eat them.
  • While the thighs are cooking, hard boil the eggs. Then set them aside to cool.
  • Take a skillet, put some butter in it, and then fry up the bacon. (Note: Some might argue that butter isn’t needed. In my experience, you can either grease up that pan somehow, or your first strips of bacon will come out burnt.)
  • Dice up half the onion, and save the other half for next week.
  • Cut up the pepper
  • You might need to take the chicken out at this point. If it’s done, pull it out, and let it cool.
  • In the skillet (I love to use the bacon grease as a base) sauté the pepper and half onion, and another bulb’s worth of garlic cloves. (leave the skin on, just like before.)
  • Add the beef and brown it.


  • Wash/rinse out 12 containers.
  • In 6 of them, put 2 chicken thighs each. Share the garlic between them, and evenly divide the fat juice.
  • In the other 6 evenly spoon out the beef/pepper/onion mix.
  • Take the veggie blend, and evenly pour it across the 12 containers, right on top of the meat.
  • Put them all in your fridge. If you have minimal fridge space you could just put some in there, and then rest in your freezer. Just pull another out when you pull from the fridge.
  • Pull out six plastic bags and put 2 hard-boiled eggs in each.
  • Evenly divide your remaining bacon by 6.
  • Now brown bag it, and put it in your fridge.


Right now you have 6 day’s worth of meals in your fridge

  • 6 bags with 2 hard-boiled eggs and bacon
  • 6 containers of thighs/veggies
  • 6 containers of Beef/Veggies

Okay, so this is only 6 days. Make extra for day 7 OR you can try to get creative and plan your own meals. Ruled. I have some awesome keto recipes if you are feeling brave.

*I messed up. The macros of each “meal” above are too high in protein and too low in fat so reduce the amount of meat in each meal by about half AND add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to each meal(or some cheese). Please forgive me!!

For this base ketogenic meal plan I am going to use the following macronutrient profile that I helped someone set up for themselves:


  • Net carbs – 20g per day
  • Protein  – 80 g per day
  • Fat  – 130 g per day

Now divide each of those by 3(for 3 meals per day) and you get:

  • ≈7 net carbs per meal
  • ≈26 grams of protein per meal
  • ≈44 grams of fat per meal

Omg, so much math! If you halve the protein in each meal you will be pretty close to these totals PER MEAL! 

Personally, I need more protein and fat each day and so will some of you. So I add in some snacks, cheese, or keto fudge during the day to get my macros up where they need to be. I also drink homemade Bulletproof coffee which for me is:

  • 1 cup coffee
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 1 tbsp full-fat coconut milk(in a can)

This adds about 25g of fat to my day.

If you got hungry on Day One between breakfast and lunch, or lunch and supper while you’re still at work eat more fat!

You may also want to consider adding these fat-boosting strategies:

  • Full fat cream, butter, coconut oil, and MCT oil in your coffee.
  • Put a tablespoon of mayonnaise on the chicken while it’s baking.
  • Top the vegetables with some cheese before reheating.


It’s also worth pointing out that you may want to consider taking a multivitamin with the ketogenic diet meal plan. It is very low on Vitamins B1, D, E, and K. Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, and Potassium are also very low, but we need to manage those as part of our electrolyte strategy anyways on keto.Do not omit essential electrolytes: Sodium (Na+), Chloride (Cl-), Potassium (K+), Magnesium (Mg++), Calcium (Ca++), Phosphate (HPO4–), Bicarbonate (HCO3-). Lack of electrolytes or more pointedly the body’s primary electrolyte sodium (aka Salt) is responsible for lethargy, brain fog, and keto flu symptoms on high fats diets.

You should be aiming for at least 8 cups of water a day. I have a 600ml bottle and I empty it at least 10 times a day. That is a lot of water and yes I am going to the bathroom a lot. Carbs hold water, so with minimal carbs, this will speed up the flushing of water. So even more bathroom breaks.

How to Maintain Electrolyte Balance on a Ketogenic Diet

1. Increase Salt Intake

Use salt liberally, especially during the initial adaptation phase.

2. Eat Electrolyte-Rich Foods.

Focus on whole foods rich in electrolytes, such as:

    – Avocados (potassium)
    – Nuts and seeds (magnesium and potassium)
    – Fatty fish (potassium and magnesium)
    – Leafy greens (magnesium and potassium)

3. Consider Supplements:

If you’re struggling to get enough electrolytes from your diet, consider supplements like potassium gluconate, magnesium glycinate, or calcium citrate.

By being mindful of your salt and electrolyte intake, you can minimize potential side effects and ensure a successful ketogenic diet experience

4.Monitor Your Body

Pay attention to signs of electrolyte imbalance, such as muscle cramps, fatigue, or dizziness. Adjust your diet and supplement routine accordingly.


I am proof that a ketogenic diet works. I also know that it can be confusing as hell trying to deal with all of the numbers and then figuring out what to eat. I am hoping that this 7-Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan will help you to stay calm(at least a little bit) and focused on your fat loss goa


ou’ve probably heard about the low-carb, high-fat diet that’s so popular among actors and models, and with good reason: low-carb diets offer proper nourishment with whole foods while keeping your body burning fat for fuel. This is a great way to be, as it makes fat loss largely effortless! But where does this “ketogenic” word fit into the picture?

Well, ketogenic comes from the word “ketosis“, which is a state in which your body breaks down fat molecules into ketones to provide energy. This state is achieved through very low carbohydrate intake and higher than normal fat intake. The “normal” state of the body’s metabolism is called “glycolysis”, where carbs are burnt for energy. The long and short is that when your body is in carb-burning mode, it will use all available carbs for energy before it touches stored fat. In ketosis, your body is primed to burn fat, and this is great news for anyone trying to get trim and slim.

Benefits of Ketosis

By cutting carb intake significantly, we can drastically reduce insulin resistance, the precursor to type 2 diabetes. In addition, low-carb diets, along with exercise, can be very effective at helping alleviate the symptoms and progression of type 2 diabetes. Beyond that, ketosis itself is appetite-suppressing, meaning your hunger will naturally check itself, increasing your caloric deficit and making you lose fat even faster.

Getting Started

Ketosis takes some time to get into – about two weeks of low-carb eating is required for the initial adaptation. During this time there will be bouts of sluggishness, fatigue, headaches, and some gastrointestinal issues as you adapt, often referred to as “keto flu“. Proper electrolyte intake will correct most of these issues. In addition, the “diet” aspect of this ketogenic diet plan – that is, the caloric restriction – shouldn’t be worried about. Weight loss will come as your body regulates appetite as it the addiction to sugar and processed food lessens, so restricting calories during the initial two weeks isn’t recommended.

The meal plan is designed to ensure you get three balanced, healthy meals a day that addresses fiber, satiation, and adequate protein intake. The greatest part of a ketogenic diet is the fact that it spares muscle loss, whereas a carb-based diet doesn’t. Weight lost in a high-carb, calorie-restricted diet will often come both from muscle and fat, whereas with keto, you can burn fat without sacrificing muscle. This is referred to often as “body recomposition” and leaves you with a much more preferred physique after weight loss.

Additional Points of Interest

Ketogenic diets often create a significant loss of water during the first phases. This is because carbs are converted to glycogen in your body, which is stored in water within the muscles and liver. As you deplete stored glycogen, your body flushes this water out. This is a huge part of the initial weight loss during the first few weeks of ketosis. While the rapid fat loss does occur at first, a lot of water weight is often dropped as well, but this is a great encouragement as it often results in both weight loss and less bloating, allowing clothes to fit better.

  • Meat: Beef, goat, lamb, turkey, pork, veal, chicken.
  • Fish: Salmon, trout, catfish, sardines, tuna, haddock, and many others.
  • Fruits: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, avocado.
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, and many others.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, etc.
  • Dairy Products: Cheese, Greek yogurt, sour cream, heavy cream.
  • Fats and Oils: Peanut Butte, flaxseed oil, butter, sesame oil, olive oil, and almond oil. ( If you want to see more ketogenic diet foods, read this: The Ultimate List of Foods to Eat on a Ketogenic Diet

Foods to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet

  • Grains: Grains: Wheat, oats, corn, barley, and rye. Includes bread and pasta.
  • Artificial Sweeteners: Sucralose, Equal, Acesulfame, Splenda, Saccharin, etc.
  • Processed Foods: If it contains carrageenan, don’t eat it.
  • “Low-fat” products: Atkins products, drinks, gluten, diet soda, etc.

7-Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan And Menu

So you have found the ketogenic diet, have figured out your macros and you are itching to get started. Here is a ketogenic diet meal plan for one week. If you are just getting situated use this basic plan to help get going.


I just started MONTH five of a ketogenic diet(45 lbs lost). I’m by no means an expert. I am now 46 years old and I have spent my entire life trying to lose weight. Ironically I have also spent years learning about nutrition and exercise. Figuring out macronutrients just comes naturally to me as I have done it so much over my life. By following a keto diet this is the first time I have seen any real success in losing unwanted pounds. This is despite years of working out and being active.

I have had a very successful go of it so far, and I feel that a lot of you who are trying to get started with a ketogenic diet may get overwhelmed and confused with all of the numbers and information that is coming at you. Hence this ketogenic diet meal plan. It is what I am doing to keep things simple. I am a guy. I need simple.

For me, I think that success with a keto diet is found with having some base meals and adding some variety later on if needed. Hell, I eat the same thing pretty much every day. Not too exciting but losing 45 pounds in 4 months IS exciting, so I am sticking with it. If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.


The daily meals will be bacon and eggs, chicken with vegetables, and beef with vegetables. These are base meals and will provide good macros for some people. For others who need more food(fat), you can just add a keto-friendly snack or 2 to get your macros up to where they need to be. This is what I need to do.

  • A dozen eggs.
  • A package of bacon.
  • Butter. (real butter)
  • A pack of boneless SKIN ON chicken thighs
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 bell pepper (Green, red, yellow, that’s your choice.)
  • Two bulbs of garlic. (Optional, but very heart healthy.)
  • A big bag of mixed frozen vegetables, at least 12 cups worth. If you are not sure what to get, just pick something else that’s keto friendly like frozen broccoli.)
  •  a bag of almonds, and a jar of almond butter (very expensive – the cheapest I can find is 10$ for 750g at Costco).
  • A package of beef. You want to find some kind of beef that you can imagine cutting/dividing into 6 equal portions of about 5.5 ounces each(a bit bigger than a deck of cards.)


I am not much for cooking but I am doing better. A ketogenic diet meal plan does work better when you have food ready to go. It takes the guesswork out and we need to keep this as simple as possible in order to have success.

  • Put the 12 thighs into the oven with all the cloves from a bulb of garlic. You should separate the cloves, but you don’t need to skin them. The heat from the oven will do that nicely, and you can peel them when you eat them.
  • While the thighs are cooking, hard boil the eggs. Then set them aside to cool.
  • Take a skillet, put some butter in it, and then fry up the bacon. (Note: Some might argue that butter isn’t needed. In my experience, you can either grease up that pan somehow, or your first strips of bacon will come out burnt.)
  • Dice up half the onion, and save the other half for next week.
  • Cut up the pepper
  • You might need to take the chicken out at this point. If it’s done, pull it out, and let it cool.
  • In the skillet (I love to use the bacon grease as a base) sauté the pepper and half onion, and another bulb’s worth of garlic cloves. (leave the skin on, just like before.)
  • Add the beef and brown it.


  • Wash/rinse out 12 containers.
  • In 6 of them, put 2 chicken thighs each. Share the garlic between them, and evenly divide the fat juice.
  • In the other 6 evenly spoon out the beef/pepper/onion mix.
  • Take the veggie blend, and evenly pour it across the 12 containers, right on top of the meat.
  • Put them all in your fridge. If you have minimal fridge space you could just put some in there, and then rest in your freezer. Just pull another out when you pull from the fridge.
  • Pull out six plastic bags and put 2 hard-boiled eggs in each.
  • Evenly divide your remaining bacon by 6.
  • Now brown bag it, and put it in your fridge.


Right now you have 6 day’s worth of meals in your fridge

  • 6 bags with 2 hard-boiled eggs and bacon
  • 6 containers of thighs/veggies
  • 6 containers of Beef/Veggies

Okay, so this is only 6 days. Make extra for day 7 OR you can try to get creative and plan your own meals. Ruled. I have some awesome keto recipes if you are feeling brave.

*I messed up. The macros of each “meal” above are too high in protein and too low in fat so reduce the amount of meat in each meal by about half AND add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to each meal(or some cheese). Please forgive me!!

For this base ketogenic meal plan I am going to use the following macronutrient profile that I helped someone set up for themselves:


  • Net carbs – 20g per day
  • Protein  – 80 g per day
  • Fat  – 130 g per day

Now divide each of those by 3(for 3 meals per day) and you get:

  • ≈7 net carbs per meal
  • ≈26 grams of protein per meal
  • ≈44 grams of fat per meal

Omg, so much math! If you halve the protein in each meal you will be pretty close to these totals PER MEAL! 

Personally, I need more protein and fat each day and so will some of you. So I add in some snacks, cheese, or keto fudge during the day to get my macros up where they need to be. I also drink homemade Bulletproof coffee which for me is:

  • 1 cup coffee
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 1 tbsp full-fat coconut milk(in a can)

This adds about 25g of fat to my day.

If you got hungry on Day One between breakfast and lunch, or lunch and supper while you’re still at work eat more fat!

You may also want to consider adding these fat-boosting strategies:

  • Full fat cream, butter, coconut oil, and MCT oil in your coffee.
  • Put a tablespoon of mayonnaise on the chicken while it’s baking.
  • Top the vegetables with some cheese before reheating.


It’s also worth pointing out that you may want to consider taking a multivitamin with the ketogenic diet meal plan. It is very low on Vitamins B1, D, E, and K. Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, and Potassium are also very low, but we need to manage those as part of our electrolyte strategy anyways on keto.

Do not omit essential electrolytes: Sodium (Na+), Chloride (Cl-), Potassium (K+), Magnesium (Mg++), Calcium (Ca++), Phosphate (HPO4–), Bicarbonate (HCO3-). Lack of electrolytes or more pointedly the body’s primary electrolyte sodium (aka Salt) is responsible for lethargy, brain fog, and keto flu symptoms on high fats diets.

You should be aiming for at least 8 cups of water a day. I have a 600ml bottle and I empty it at least 10 times a day. That is a lot of water and yes I am going to the bathroom a lot. Carbs hold water, so with minimal carbs, this will speed up the flushing of water. So even more bathroom breaks.


The “easiest” way to actually track your eating(and thus your macros)  for your ketogenic diet meal plan is to set up a free account with MyFitnessPal.

This app is both web-based and/or you can use it with your phone. I cannot stress the importance of tracking what you eat. Doing this has made all the difference in the world for me and is a huge part of my keto diet success.

Once you get your account set up you just enter the food you eat and the app calculates your total consumption for each macro and your total calories. There is also a “bar code scanner” as part of the app. You use your phone to “scan” the bar code of the food you are eating and it enters it into your daily eating plan. Genius!


I am proof that a ketogenic diet works. I also know that it can be confusing as hell trying to deal with all of the numbers and then figuring out what to eat. I am hopi

7-Day Carnivore Diet Plan: Maximize Health, Weight Loss, and Muscle Building

7-Day Carnivore Diet Plan: Maximize Health, Weight Loss, and Muscle Building

The Carnivore Diet has skyrocketed in popularity for its simplicity, proven health benefits, and ability to drive fat loss, build muscle, and optimize digestion. This 7-day carnivore meal plan is carefully tailored to help you achieve your health goals, whether you’re looking to lose weight, gain muscle, or support overall well-being.

What Is the Carnivore Diet?

The Carnivore Diet is an all-meat, animal-based diet that eliminates all plant-derived foods. While restrictive, it emphasizes nutrient-dense, high-quality animal proteins and fats, which help optimize energy levels and overall health.

Key Benefits of the Carnivore Diet:

  • Accelerated Fat Loss: Promotes ketosis, enabling your body to burn fat efficiently.
  • Improved Muscle Growth: Supplies high-quality protein to repair and grow lean muscle.
  • Enhanced Gut Health: Reduces inflammation and supports a healthy gut lining.
  • Hormonal Balance: The high-fat content aids in natural hormone regulation.
  • Reduced Inflammation: Eliminates processed foods and anti-nutrients found in plants.

7-Day Carnivore Diet Meal Plan

Day 1: Beginner’s High-Protein Kickstart

Focus: Introduce high-quality proteins and fats for fat-burning activation.
Target Keyword: Carnivore Diet Meal Plan for Weight Loss

  • Breakfast: 3 fried eggs in grass-fed butter with 4 slices of crispy bacon.
  • Lunch: Grilled ribeye steak (250g) seasoned with salt, served with a warm cup of bone broth.
  • Dinner: Oven-roasted chicken thighs (skin-on) glazed with melted butter.
  • Snack: Sugar-free homemade beef jerky.

Day 2: Muscle-Building Power

Focus: Support muscle repair and recovery with nutrient-dense animal products.
Target Keyword: Carnivore Diet Plan for Building Muscle

  • Breakfast: 5 scrambled eggs in ghee with sausage links.
  • Lunch: 250g ground beef patties topped with cheddar cheese and a fried egg.
  • Dinner: Grilled lamb chops with a serving of collagen-rich lamb bone broth.
  • Snack: Pork rinds sprinkled with sea salt.

Day 3: Gut Health and Digestive Wellness

Focus: Support a healthy gut lining with collagen and anti-inflammatory foods.
Target Keyword: Carnivore Diet for Gut Health

  • Breakfast: A steaming cup of bone broth with a scoop of grass-fed collagen powder.
  • Lunch: Grass-fed beef liver sautéed in butter with garlic and herbs.
  • Dinner: Wild-caught salmon baked in beef tallow, topped with a slice of butter.
  • Snack: Hard-boiled eggs sprinkled with salt and pepper.

Day 4: Autoimmune-Friendly Carnivore Day

Focus: Reduce inflammation by eliminating potential triggers like dairy and processed foods.
Target Keyword: Carnivore Diet for Autoimmune Disease

  • Breakfast: Ground beef cooked in duck fat, served with a side of crispy bacon.
  • Lunch: Slow-cooked pork belly with crackling, drizzled with its own fat.
  • Dinner: Grilled salmon paired with sardines for a boost of omega-3 fats.
  • Snack: Charcuterie board with salami, beef sticks, and low-lactose cheeses.

Day 5: Hormone Optimization and Energy

Focus: Support hormone production with nutrient-dense, high-fat meals.
Target Keyword: Carnivore Diet Plan for Hormonal Imbalance

  • Breakfast: 4 poached eggs with Canadian bacon and a dollop of sour cream.
  • Lunch: Roasted bone marrow with a side of lamb ribs.
  • Dinner: Pan-seared duck breast (skin-on) fried in its own fat.
  • Snack: Full-fat, unsweetened Greek yogurt (if tolerated).

Day 6: Weight Loss Acceleration

Focus: Maintain ketosis with high-protein, moderate-fat meals.
Target Keyword: Best Carnivore Diet Plan for Weight Loss

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs with strips of crispy bacon.
  • Lunch: Bison steak with grilled shrimp cooked in butter.
  • Dinner: Pork chops fried in lard, seasoned simply with salt and pepper.
  • Snack: Beef bone broth to stay hydrated and curb hunger.

Day 7: Energy Boost for Active Lifestyles

Focus: Fuel energy and endurance with high-fat, high-protein meals.
Target Keyword: Carnivore Diet Plan for Athletes

  • Breakfast: Steak and eggs fried in beef tallow with a pat of butter.
  • Lunch: Ground bison patties topped with cheese and served alongside roasted bone marrow.
  • Dinner: Pan-fried ribeye with a side of beef liver for added iron and B-vitamins.
  • Snack: High-quality cured meats like prosciutto or pepperoni.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Carnivore Diet

  1. Can I have coffee or tea on the Carnivore Diet?
    While technically plant-based, many followers include unsweetened black coffee or tea without issues.
  2. Do I need supplements on the Carnivore Diet?
    Electrolyte supplements (sodium, potassium, magnesium) can be helpful, especially during the initial transition phase.
  3. Is dairy allowed?
    Full-fat, low-lactose dairy like butter, hard cheeses, and heavy cream may be included, but avoid it if you experience digestive issues.
  4. How quickly will I see results?
    Weight loss often begins within the first week as your body shifts into fat-burning mode. Muscle gain and other health benefits are typically noticeable after a few weeks.

Pro Tips for Success

  • Stay Hydrated: Aim for 8–10 glasses of water daily, and consider adding electrolytes.
  • Incorporate Organ Meats: Foods like liver and bone marrow provide essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Eat Enough Fat: Ensure your meals include enough animal fat to fuel your energy and hormone production.
  • Track Your Progress: Monitor weight, measurements, and energy levels to fine-tune your approach.

Ready to Transform Your Health?

Embark on this 7-day Carnivore Diet journey and experience its transformative effects. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, or improve gut health, this plan offers everything you need to get started.

CTA: Unlock the benefits of the Carnivore Diet today. Discover more recipes, tips, and success stories!


ou’ve probably heard about the low-carb, high-fat diet that’s so popular among actors and models, and with good reason: low-carb diets offer proper nourishment with whole foods while keeping your body burning fat for fuel. This is a great way to be, as it makes fat loss largely effortless! But where does this “ketogenic” word fit into the picture?

Well, ketogenic comes from the word “ketosis“, which is a state in which your body breaks down fat molecules into ketones to provide energy. This state is achieved through very low carbohydrate intake and higher than normal fat intake. The “normal” state of the body’s metabolism is called “glycolysis”, where carbs are burnt for energy. The long and short is that when your body is in carb-burning mode, it will use all available carbs for energy before it touches stored fat. In ketosis, your body is primed to burn fat, and this is great news for anyone trying to get trim and slim.

Benefits of Ketosis

By cutting carb intake significantly, we can drastically reduce insulin resistance, the precursor to type 2 diabetes. In addition, low-carb diets, along with exercise, can be very effective at helping alleviate the symptoms and progression of type 2 diabetes. Beyond that, ketosis itself is appetite-suppressing, meaning your hunger will naturally check itself, increasing your caloric deficit and making you lose fat even faster.

Getting Started

Ketosis takes some time to get into – about two weeks of low-carb eating is required for the initial adaptation. During this time there will be bouts of sluggishness, fatigue, headaches, and some gastrointestinal issues as you adapt, often referred to as “keto flu“. Proper electrolyte intake will correct most of these issues. In addition, the “diet” aspect of this ketogenic diet plan – that is, the caloric restriction – shouldn’t be worried about. Weight loss will come as your body regulates appetite as it the addiction to sugar and processed food lessens, so restricting calories during the initial two weeks isn’t recommended.

The meal plan is designed to ensure you get three balanced, healthy meals a day that addresses fiber, satiation, and adequate protein intake. The greatest part of a ketogenic diet is the fact that it spares muscle loss, whereas a carb-based diet doesn’t. Weight lost in a high-carb, calorie-restricted diet will often come both from muscle and fat, whereas with keto, you can burn fat without sacrificing muscle. This is referred to often as “body recomposition” and leaves you with a much more preferred physique after weight loss.

Additional Points of Interest

Ketogenic diets often create a significant loss of water during the first phases. This is because carbs are converted to glycogen in your body, which is stored in water within the muscles and liver. As you deplete stored glycogen, your body flushes this water out. This is a huge part of the initial weight loss during the first few weeks of ketosis. While the rapid fat loss does occur at first, a lot of water weight is often dropped as well, but this is a great encouragement as it often results in both weight loss and less bloating, allowing clothes to fit better.

  • Meat: Beef, goat, lamb, turkey, pork, veal, chicken.
  • Fish: Salmon, trout, catfish, sardines, tuna, haddock, and many others.
  • Fruits: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, avocado.
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, and many others.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, etc.
  • Dairy Products: Cheese, Greek yogurt, sour cream, heavy cream.
  • Fats and Oils: Peanut Butte, flaxseed oil, butter, sesame oil, olive oil, and almond oil. ( If you want to see more ketogenic diet foods, read this: The Ultimate List of Foods to Eat on a Ketogenic Diet

Foods to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet

  • Grains: Grains: Wheat, oats, corn, barley, and rye. Includes bread and pasta.
  • Artificial Sweeteners: Sucralose, Equal, Acesulfame, Splenda, Saccharin, etc.
  • Processed Foods: If it contains carrageenan, don’t eat it.
  • “Low-fat” products: Atkins products, drinks, gluten, diet soda, etc.

7-Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan And Menu

So you have found the ketogenic diet, have figured out your macros and you are itching to get started. Here is a ketogenic diet meal plan for one week. If you are just getting situated use this basic plan to help get going.


I just started MONTH five of a ketogenic diet(45 lbs lost). I’m by no means an expert. I am now 46 years old and I have spent my entire life trying to lose weight. Ironically I have also spent years learning about nutrition and exercise. Figuring out macronutrients just comes naturally to me as I have done it so much over my life. By following a keto diet this is the first time I have seen any real success in losing unwanted pounds. This is despite years of working out and being active.

I have had a very successful go of it so far, and I feel that a lot of you who are trying to get started with a ketogenic diet may get overwhelmed and confused with all of the numbers and information that is coming at you. Hence this ketogenic diet meal plan. It is what I am doing to keep things simple. I am a guy. I need simple.

For me, I think that success with a keto diet is found with having some base meals and adding some variety later on if needed. Hell, I eat the same thing pretty much every day. Not too exciting but losing 45 pounds in 4 months IS exciting, so I am sticking with it. If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.


The daily meals will be bacon and eggs, chicken with vegetables, and beef with vegetables. These are base meals and will provide good macros for some people. For others who need more food(fat), you can just add a keto-friendly snack or 2 to get your macros up to where they need to be. This is what I need to do.

  • A dozen eggs.
  • A package of bacon.
  • Butter. (real butter)
  • A pack of boneless SKIN ON chicken thighs
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 bell pepper (Green, red, yellow, that’s your choice.)
  • Two bulbs of garlic. (Optional, but very heart healthy.)
  • A big bag of mixed frozen vegetables, at least 12 cups worth. If you are not sure what to get, just pick something else that’s keto friendly like frozen broccoli.)
  •  a bag of almonds, and a jar of almond butter (very expensive – the cheapest I can find is 10$ for 750g at Costco).
  • A package of beef. You want to find some kind of beef that you can imagine cutting/dividing into 6 equal portions of about 5.5 ounces each(a bit bigger than a deck of cards.)


I am not much for cooking but I am doing better. A ketogenic diet meal plan does work better when you have food ready to go. It takes the guesswork out and we need to keep this as simple as possible in order to have success.

  • Put the 12 thighs into the oven with all the cloves from a bulb of garlic. You should separate the cloves, but you don’t need to skin them. The heat from the oven will do that nicely, and you can peel them when you eat them.
  • While the thighs are cooking, hard boil the eggs. Then set them aside to cool.
  • Take a skillet, put some butter in it, and then fry up the bacon. (Note: Some might argue that butter isn’t needed. In my experience, you can either grease up that pan somehow, or your first strips of bacon will come out burnt.)
  • Dice up half the onion, and save the other half for next week.
  • Cut up the pepper
  • You might need to take the chicken out at this point. If it’s done, pull it out, and let it cool.
  • In the skillet (I love to use the bacon grease as a base) sauté the pepper and half onion, and another bulb’s worth of garlic cloves. (leave the skin on, just like before.)
  • Add the beef and brown it.


  • Wash/rinse out 12 containers.
  • In 6 of them, put 2 chicken thighs each. Share the garlic between them, and evenly divide the fat juice.
  • In the other 6 evenly spoon out the beef/pepper/onion mix.
  • Take the veggie blend, and evenly pour it across the 12 containers, right on top of the meat.
  • Put them all in your fridge. If you have minimal fridge space you could just put some in there, and then rest in your freezer. Just pull another out when you pull from the fridge.
  • Pull out six plastic bags and put 2 hard-boiled eggs in each.
  • Evenly divide your remaining bacon by 6.
  • Now brown bag it, and put it in your fridge.


Right now you have 6 day’s worth of meals in your fridge

  • 6 bags with 2 hard-boiled eggs and bacon
  • 6 containers of thighs/veggies
  • 6 containers of Beef/Veggies

Okay, so this is only 6 days. Make extra for day 7 OR you can try to get creative and plan your own meals. Ruled. I have some awesome keto recipes if you are feeling brave.

*I messed up. The macros of each “meal” above are too high in protein and too low in fat so reduce the amount of meat in each meal by about half AND add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to each meal(or some cheese). Please forgive me!!

For this base ketogenic meal plan I am going to use the following macronutrient profile that I helped someone set up for themselves:


  • Net carbs – 20g per day
  • Protein  – 80 g per day
  • Fat  – 130 g per day

Now divide each of those by 3(for 3 meals per day) and you get:

  • ≈7 net carbs per meal
  • ≈26 grams of protein per meal
  • ≈44 grams of fat per meal

Omg, so much math! If you halve the protein in each meal you will be pretty close to these totals PER MEAL! 

Personally, I need more protein and fat each day and so will some of you. So I add in some snacks, cheese, or keto fudge during the day to get my macros up where they need to be. I also drink homemade Bulletproof coffee which for me is:

  • 1 cup coffee
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 1 tbsp full-fat coconut milk(in a can)

This adds about 25g of fat to my day.

If you got hungry on Day One between breakfast and lunch, or lunch and supper while you’re still at work eat more fat!

You may also want to consider adding these fat-boosting strategies:

  • Full fat cream, butter, coconut oil, and MCT oil in your coffee.
  • Put a tablespoon of mayonnaise on the chicken while it’s baking.
  • Top the vegetables with some cheese before reheating.


It’s also worth pointing out that you may want to consider taking a multivitamin with the ketogenic diet meal plan. It is very low on Vitamins B1, D, E, and K. Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, and Potassium are also very low, but we need to manage those as part of our electrolyte strategy anyways on keto.

Do not omit essential electrolytes: Sodium (Na+), Chloride (Cl-), Potassium (K+), Magnesium (Mg++), Calcium (Ca++), Phosphate (HPO4–), Bicarbonate (HCO3-). Lack of electrolytes or more pointedly the body’s primary electrolyte sodium (aka Salt) is responsible for lethargy, brain fog, and keto flu symptoms on high fats diets.

You should be aiming for at least 8 cups of water a day. I have a 600ml bottle and I empty it at least 10 times a day. That is a lot of water and yes I am going to the bathroom a lot. Carbs hold water, so with minimal carbs, this will speed up the flushing of water. So even more bathroom breaks.


The “easiest” way to actually track your eating(and thus your macros)  for your ketogenic diet meal plan is to set up a free account with MyFitnessPal.

This app is both web-based and/or you can use it with your phone. I cannot stress the importance of tracking what you eat. Doing this has made all the difference in the world for me and is a huge part of my keto diet success.

Once you get your account set up you just enter the food you eat and the app calculates your total consumption for each macro and your total calories. There is also a “bar code scanner” as part of the app. You use your phone to “scan” the bar code of the food you are eating and it enters it into your daily eating plan. Genius!


I am proof that a ketogenic diet works. I also know that it can be confusing as hell trying to deal with all of the numbers and then figuring out what to eat. I am hopi


ou’ve probably heard about the low-carb, high-fat diet that’s so popular among actors and models, and with good reason: low-carb diets offer proper nourishment with whole foods while keeping your body burning fat for fuel. This is a great way to be, as it makes fat loss largely effortless! But where does this “ketogenic” word fit into the picture?

Well, ketogenic comes from the word “ketosis“, which is a state in which your body breaks down fat molecules into ketones to provide energy. This state is achieved through very low carbohydrate intake and higher than normal fat intake. The “normal” state of the body’s metabolism is called “glycolysis”, where carbs are burnt for energy. The long and short is that when your body is in carb-burning mode, it will use all available carbs for energy before it touches stored fat. In ketosis, your body is primed to burn fat, and this is great news for anyone trying to get trim and slim.

Benefits of Ketosis

By cutting carb intake significantly, we can drastically reduce insulin resistance, the precursor to type 2 diabetes. In addition, low-carb diets, along with exercise, can be very effective at helping alleviate the symptoms and progression of type 2 diabetes. Beyond that, ketosis itself is appetite-suppressing, meaning your hunger will naturally check itself, increasing your caloric deficit and making you lose fat even faster.

Getting Started

Ketosis takes some time to get into – about two weeks of low-carb eating is required for the initial adaptation. During this time there will be bouts of sluggishness, fatigue, headaches, and some gastrointestinal issues as you adapt, often referred to as “keto flu“. Proper electrolyte intake will correct most of these issues. In addition, the “diet” aspect of this ketogenic diet plan – that is, the caloric restriction – shouldn’t be worried about. Weight loss will come as your body regulates appetite as it the addiction to sugar and processed food lessens, so restricting calories during the initial two weeks isn’t recommended.

The meal plan is designed to ensure you get three balanced, healthy meals a day that addresses fiber, satiation, and adequate protein intake. The greatest part of a ketogenic diet is the fact that it spares muscle loss, whereas a carb-based diet doesn’t. Weight lost in a high-carb, calorie-restricted diet will often come both from muscle and fat, whereas with keto, you can burn fat without sacrificing muscle. This is referred to often as “body recomposition” and leaves you with a much more preferred physique after weight loss.

Additional Points of Interest

Ketogenic diets often create a significant loss of water during the first phases. This is because carbs are converted to glycogen in your body, which is stored in water within the muscles and liver. As you deplete stored glycogen, your body flushes this water out. This is a huge part of the initial weight loss during the first few weeks of ketosis. While the rapid fat loss does occur at first, a lot of water weight is often dropped as well, but this is a great encouragement as it often results in both weight loss and less bloating, allowing clothes to fit better.

  • Meat: Beef, goat, lamb, turkey, pork, veal, chicken.
  • Fish: Salmon, trout, catfish, sardines, tuna, haddock, and many others.
  • Fruits: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, avocado.
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, and many others.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, etc.
  • Dairy Products: Cheese, Greek yogurt, sour cream, heavy cream.
  • Fats and Oils: Peanut Butte, flaxseed oil, butter, sesame oil, olive oil, and almond oil. ( If you want to see more ketogenic diet foods, read this: The Ultimate List of Foods to Eat on a Ketogenic Diet

Foods to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet

  • Grains: Grains: Wheat, oats, corn, barley, and rye. Includes bread and pasta.
  • Artificial Sweeteners: Sucralose, Equal, Acesulfame, Splenda, Saccharin, etc.
  • Processed Foods: If it contains carrageenan, don’t eat it.
  • “Low-fat” products: Atkins products, drinks, gluten, diet soda, etc.

7-Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan And Menu

So you have found the ketogenic diet, have figured out your macros and you are itching to get started. Here is a ketogenic diet meal plan for one week. If you are just getting situated use this basic plan to help get going.


I just started MONTH five of a ketogenic diet(45 lbs lost). I’m by no means an expert. I am now 46 years old and I have spent my entire life trying to lose weight. Ironically I have also spent years learning about nutrition and exercise. Figuring out macronutrients just comes naturally to me as I have done it so much over my life. By following a keto diet this is the first time I have seen any real success in losing unwanted pounds. This is despite years of working out and being active.

I have had a very successful go of it so far, and I feel that a lot of you who are trying to get started with a ketogenic diet may get overwhelmed and confused with all of the numbers and information that is coming at you. Hence this ketogenic diet meal plan. It is what I am doing to keep things simple. I am a guy. I need simple.

For me, I think that success with a keto diet is found with having some base meals and adding some variety later on if needed. Hell, I eat the same thing pretty much every day. Not too exciting but losing 45 pounds in 4 months IS exciting, so I am sticking with it. If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.


The daily meals will be bacon and eggs, chicken with vegetables, and beef with vegetables. These are base meals and will provide good macros for some people. For others who need more food(fat), you can just add a keto-friendly snack or 2 to get your macros up to where they need to be. This is what I need to do.

  • A dozen eggs.
  • A package of bacon.
  • Butter. (real butter)
  • A pack of boneless SKIN ON chicken thighs
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 bell pepper (Green, red, yellow, that’s your choice.)
  • Two bulbs of garlic. (Optional, but very heart healthy.)
  • A big bag of mixed frozen vegetables, at least 12 cups worth. If you are not sure what to get, just pick something else that’s keto friendly like frozen broccoli.)
  •  a bag of almonds, and a jar of almond butter (very expensive – the cheapest I can find is 10$ for 750g at Costco).
  • A package of beef. You want to find some kind of beef that you can imagine cutting/dividing into 6 equal portions of about 5.5 ounces each(a bit bigger than a deck of cards.)


I am not much for cooking but I am doing better. A ketogenic diet meal plan does work better when you have food ready to go. It takes the guesswork out and we need to keep this as simple as possible in order to have success.

  • Put the 12 thighs into the oven with all the cloves from a bulb of garlic. You should separate the cloves, but you don’t need to skin them. The heat from the oven will do that nicely, and you can peel them when you eat them.
  • While the thighs are cooking, hard boil the eggs. Then set them aside to cool.
  • Take a skillet, put some butter in it, and then fry up the bacon. (Note: Some might argue that butter isn’t needed. In my experience, you can either grease up that pan somehow, or your first strips of bacon will come out burnt.)
  • Dice up half the onion, and save the other half for next week.
  • Cut up the pepper
  • You might need to take the chicken out at this point. If it’s done, pull it out, and let it cool.
  • In the skillet (I love to use the bacon grease as a base) sauté the pepper and half onion, and another bulb’s worth of garlic cloves. (leave the skin on, just like before.)
  • Add the beef and brown it.


  • Wash/rinse out 12 containers.
  • In 6 of them, put 2 chicken thighs each. Share the garlic between them, and evenly divide the fat juice.
  • In the other 6 evenly spoon out the beef/pepper/onion mix.
  • Take the veggie blend, and evenly pour it across the 12 containers, right on top of the meat.
  • Put them all in your fridge. If you have minimal fridge space you could just put some in there, and then rest in your freezer. Just pull another out when you pull from the fridge.
  • Pull out six plastic bags and put 2 hard-boiled eggs in each.
  • Evenly divide your remaining bacon by 6.
  • Now brown bag it, and put it in your fridge.


Right now you have 6 day’s worth of meals in your fridge

  • 6 bags with 2 hard-boiled eggs and bacon
  • 6 containers of thighs/veggies
  • 6 containers of Beef/Veggies

Okay, so this is only 6 days. Make extra for day 7 OR you can try to get creative and plan your own meals. Ruled. I have some awesome keto recipes if you are feeling brave.

*I messed up. The macros of each “meal” above are too high in protein and too low in fat so reduce the amount of meat in each meal by about half AND add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to each meal(or some cheese). Please forgive me!!

For this base ketogenic meal plan I am going to use the following macronutrient profile that I helped someone set up for themselves:


  • Net carbs – 20g per day
  • Protein  – 80 g per day
  • Fat  – 130 g per day

Now divide each of those by 3(for 3 meals per day) and you get:

  • ≈7 net carbs per meal
  • ≈26 grams of protein per meal
  • ≈44 grams of fat per meal

Omg, so much math! If you halve the protein in each meal you will be pretty close to these totals PER MEAL! 

Personally, I need more protein and fat each day and so will some of you. So I add in some snacks, cheese, or keto fudge during the day to get my macros up where they need to be. I also drink homemade Bulletproof coffee which for me is:

  • 1 cup coffee
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 1 tbsp full-fat coconut milk(in a can)

This adds about 25g of fat to my day.

If you got hungry on Day One between breakfast and lunch, or lunch and supper while you’re still at work eat more fat!

You may also want to consider adding these fat-boosting strategies:

  • Full fat cream, butter, coconut oil, and MCT oil in your coffee.
  • Put a tablespoon of mayonnaise on the chicken while it’s baking.
  • Top the vegetables with some cheese before reheating.


It’s also worth pointing out that you may want to consider taking a multivitamin with the ketogenic diet meal plan. It is very low on Vitamins B1, D, E, and K. Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, and Potassium are also very low, but we need to manage those as part of our electrolyte strategy anyways on keto.

Do not omit essential electrolytes: Sodium (Na+), Chloride (Cl-), Potassium (K+), Magnesium (Mg++), Calcium (Ca++), Phosphate (HPO4–), Bicarbonate (HCO3-). Lack of electrolytes or more pointedly the body’s primary electrolyte sodium (aka Salt) is responsible for lethargy, brain fog, and keto flu symptoms on high fats diets.

You should be aiming for at least 8 cups of water a day. I have a 600ml bottle and I empty it at least 10 times a day. That is a lot of water and yes I am going to the bathroom a lot. Carbs hold water, so with minimal carbs, this will speed up the flushing of water. So even more bathroom breaks.


The “easiest” way to actually track your eating(and thus your macros)  for your ketogenic diet meal plan is to set up a free account with MyFitnessPal.

This app is both web-based and/or you can use it with your phone. I cannot stress the importance of tracking what you eat. Doing this has made all the difference in the world for me and is a huge part of my keto diet success.

Once you get your account set up you just enter the food you eat and the app calculates your total consumption for each macro and your total calories. There is also a “bar code scanner” as part of the app. You use your phone to “scan” the bar code of the food you are eating and it enters it into your daily eating plan. Genius!


I am proof that a ketogenic diet works. I also know that it can be confusing as hell trying to deal with all of the numbers and then figuring out what to eat. I am hoping that this 7-Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan will help you to stay calm(at least a little bit) and focused on your fat loss goals…


ou’ve probably heard about the low-carb, high-fat diet that’s so popular among actors and models, and with good reason: low-carb diets offer proper nourishment with whole foods while keeping your body burning fat for fuel. This is a great way to be, as it makes fat loss largely effortless! But where does this “ketogenic” word fit into the picture?

Well, ketogenic comes from the word “ketosis“, which is a state in which your body breaks down fat molecules into ketones to provide energy. This state is achieved through very low carbohydrate intake and higher than normal fat intake. The “normal” state of the body’s metabolism is called “glycolysis”, where carbs are burnt for energy. The long and short is that when your body is in carb-burning mode, it will use all available carbs for energy before it touches stored fat. In ketosis, your body is primed to burn fat, and this is great news for anyone trying to get trim and slim.

Benefits of Ketosis

By cutting carb intake significantly, we can drastically reduce insulin resistance, the precursor to type 2 diabetes. In addition, low-carb diets, along with exercise, can be very effective at helping alleviate the symptoms and progression of type 2 diabetes. Beyond that, ketosis itself is appetite-suppressing, meaning your hunger will naturally check itself, increasing your caloric deficit and making you lose fat even faster.

Getting Started

Ketosis takes some time to get into – about two weeks of low-carb eating is required for the initial adaptation. During this time there will be bouts of sluggishness, fatigue, headaches, and some gastrointestinal issues as you adapt, often referred to as “keto flu“. Proper electrolyte intake will correct most of these issues. In addition, the “diet” aspect of this ketogenic diet plan – that is, the caloric restriction – shouldn’t be worried about. Weight loss will come as your body regulates appetite as it the addiction to sugar and processed food lessens, so restricting calories during the initial two weeks isn’t recommended.

The meal plan is designed to ensure you get three balanced, healthy meals a day that addresses fiber, satiation, and adequate protein intake. The greatest part of a ketogenic diet is the fact that it spares muscle loss, whereas a carb-based diet doesn’t. Weight lost in a high-carb, calorie-restricted diet will often come both from muscle and fat, whereas with keto, you can burn fat without sacrificing muscle. This is referred to often as “body recomposition” and leaves you with a much more preferred physique after weight loss.

Additional Points of Interest

Ketogenic diets often create a significant loss of water during the first phases. This is because carbs are converted to glycogen in your body, which is stored in water within the muscles and liver. As you deplete stored glycogen, your body flushes this water out. This is a huge part of the initial weight loss during the first few weeks of ketosis. While the rapid fat loss does occur at first, a lot of water weight is often dropped as well, but this is a great encouragement as it often results in both weight loss and less bloating, allowing clothes to fit better.

  • Meat: Beef, goat, lamb, turkey, pork, veal, chicken.
  • Fish: Salmon, trout, catfish, sardines, tuna, haddock, and many others.
  • Fruits: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, avocado.
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, and many others.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, etc.
  • Dairy Products: Cheese, Greek yogurt, sour cream, heavy cream.
  • Fats and Oils: Peanut Butte, flaxseed oil, butter, sesame oil, olive oil, and almond oil. ( If you want to see more ketogenic diet foods, read this: The Ultimate List of Foods to Eat on a Ketogenic Diet

Foods to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet

  • Grains: Grains: Wheat, oats, corn, barley, and rye. Includes bread and pasta.
  • Artificial Sweeteners: Sucralose, Equal, Acesulfame, Splenda, Saccharin, etc.
  • Processed Foods: If it contains carrageenan, don’t eat it.
  • “Low-fat” products: Atkins products, drinks, gluten, diet soda, etc.

7-Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan And Menu

So you have found the ketogenic diet, have figured out your macros and you are itching to get started. Here is a ketogenic diet meal plan for one week. If you are just getting situated use this basic plan to help get going.


I just started MONTH five of a ketogenic diet(45 lbs lost). I’m by no means an expert. I am now 46 years old and I have spent my entire life trying to lose weight. Ironically I have also spent years learning about nutrition and exercise. Figuring out macronutrients just comes naturally to me as I have done it so much over my life. By following a keto diet this is the first time I have seen any real success in losing unwanted pounds. This is despite years of working out and being active.

I have had a very successful go of it so far, and I feel that a lot of you who are trying to get started with a ketogenic diet may get overwhelmed and confused with all of the numbers and information that is coming at you. Hence this ketogenic diet meal plan. It is what I am doing to keep things simple. I am a guy. I need simple.

For me, I think that success with a keto diet is found with having some base meals and adding some variety later on if needed. Hell, I eat the same thing pretty much every day. Not too exciting but losing 45 pounds in 4 months IS exciting, so I am sticking with it. If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.


The daily meals will be bacon and eggs, chicken with vegetables, and beef with vegetables. These are base meals and will provide good macros for some people. For others who need more food(fat), you can just add a keto-friendly snack or 2 to get your macros up to where they need to be. This is what I need to do.

  • A dozen eggs.
  • A package of bacon.
  • Butter. (real butter)
  • A pack of boneless SKIN ON chicken thighs
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 bell pepper (Green, red, yellow, that’s your choice.)
  • Two bulbs of garlic. (Optional, but very heart healthy.)
  • A big bag of mixed frozen vegetables, at least 12 cups worth. If you are not sure what to get, just pick something else that’s keto friendly like frozen broccoli.)
  •  a bag of almonds, and a jar of almond butter (very expensive – the cheapest I can find is 10$ for 750g at Costco).
  • A package of beef. You want to find some kind of beef that you can imagine cutting/dividing into 6 equal portions of about 5.5 ounces each(a bit bigger than a deck of cards.)


I am not much for cooking but I am doing better. A ketogenic diet meal plan does work better when you have food ready to go. It takes the guesswork out and we need to keep this as simple as possible in order to have success.

  • Put the 12 thighs into the oven with all the cloves from a bulb of garlic. You should separate the cloves, but you don’t need to skin them. The heat from the oven will do that nicely, and you can peel them when you eat them.
  • While the thighs are cooking, hard boil the eggs. Then set them aside to cool.
  • Take a skillet, put some butter in it, and then fry up the bacon. (Note: Some might argue that butter isn’t needed. In my experience, you can either grease up that pan somehow, or your first strips of bacon will come out burnt.)
  • Dice up half the onion, and save the other half for next week.
  • Cut up the pepper
  • You might need to take the chicken out at this point. If it’s done, pull it out, and let it cool.
  • In the skillet (I love to use the bacon grease as a base) sauté the pepper and half onion, and another bulb’s worth of garlic cloves. (leave the skin on, just like before.)
  • Add the beef and brown it.


  • Wash/rinse out 12 containers.
  • In 6 of them, put 2 chicken thighs each. Share the garlic between them, and evenly divide the fat juice.
  • In the other 6 evenly spoon out the beef/pepper/onion mix.
  • Take the veggie blend, and evenly pour it across the 12 containers, right on top of the meat.
  • Put them all in your fridge. If you have minimal fridge space you could just put some in there, and then rest in your freezer. Just pull another out when you pull from the fridge.
  • Pull out six plastic bags and put 2 hard-boiled eggs in each.
  • Evenly divide your remaining bacon by 6.
  • Now brown bag it, and put it in your fridge.


Right now you have 6 day’s worth of meals in your fridge

  • 6 bags with 2 hard-boiled eggs and bacon
  • 6 containers of thighs/veggies
  • 6 containers of Beef/Veggies

Okay, so this is only 6 days. Make extra for day 7 OR you can try to get creative and plan your own meals. Ruled. I have some awesome keto recipes if you are feeling brave.

*I messed up. The macros of each “meal” above are too high in protein and too low in fat so reduce the amount of meat in each meal by about half AND add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to each meal(or some cheese). Please forgive me!!

For this base ketogenic meal plan I am going to use the following macronutrient profile that I helped someone set up for themselves:


  • Net carbs – 20g per day
  • Protein  – 80 g per day
  • Fat  – 130 g per day

Now divide each of those by 3(for 3 meals per day) and you get:

  • ≈7 net carbs per meal
  • ≈26 grams of protein per meal
  • ≈44 grams of fat per meal

Omg, so much math! If you halve the protein in each meal you will be pretty close to these totals PER MEAL! 

Personally, I need more protein and fat each day and so will some of you. So I add in some snacks, cheese, or keto fudge during the day to get my macros up where they need to be. I also drink homemade Bulletproof coffee which for me is:

  • 1 cup coffee
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 1 tbsp full-fat coconut milk(in a can)

This adds about 25g of fat to my day.

If you got hungry on Day One between breakfast and lunch, or lunch and supper while you’re still at work eat more fat!

You may also want to consider adding these fat-boosting strategies:

  • Full fat cream, butter, coconut oil, and MCT oil in your coffee.
  • Put a tablespoon of mayonnaise on the chicken while it’s baking.
  • Top the vegetables with some cheese before reheating.


It’s also worth pointing out that you may want to consider taking a multivitamin with the ketogenic diet meal plan. It is very low on Vitamins B1, D, E, and K. Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, and Potassium are also very low, but we need to manage those as part of our electrolyte strategy anyways on keto.

Do not omit essential electrolytes: Sodium (Na+), Chloride (Cl-), Potassium (K+), Magnesium (Mg++), Calcium (Ca++), Phosphate (HPO4–), Bicarbonate (HCO3-). Lack of electrolytes or more pointedly the body’s primary electrolyte sodium (aka Salt) is responsible for lethargy, brain fog, and keto flu symptoms on high fats diets.

You should be aiming for at least 8 cups of water a day. I have a 600ml bottle and I empty it at least 10 times a day. That is a lot of water and yes I am going to the bathroom a lot. Carbs hold water, so with minimal carbs, this will speed up the flushing of water. So even more bathroom breaks.


The “easiest” way to actually track your eating(and thus your macros)  for your ketogenic diet meal plan is to set up a free account with MyFitnessPal.

This app is both web-based and/or you can use it with your phone. I cannot stress the importance of tracking what you eat. Doing this has made all the difference in the world for me and is a huge part of my keto diet success.

Once you get your account set up you just enter the food you eat and the app calculates your total consumption for each macro and your total calories. There is also a “bar code scanner” as part of the app. You use your phone to “scan” the bar code of the food you are eating and it enters it into your daily eating plan. Genius!


I am proof that a ketogenic diet works. I also know that it can be confusing as hell trying to deal with all of the numbers and then figuring out what to eat. I am hopi


ou’ve probably heard about the low-carb, high-fat diet that’s so popular among actors and models, and with good reason: low-carb diets offer proper nourishment with whole foods while keeping your body burning fat for fuel. This is a great way to be, as it makes fat loss largely effortless! But where does this “ketogenic” word fit into the picture?

Well, ketogenic comes from the word “ketosis“, which is a state in which your body breaks down fat molecules into ketones to provide energy. This state is achieved through very low carbohydrate intake and higher than normal fat intake. The “normal” state of the body’s metabolism is called “glycolysis”, where carbs are burnt for energy. The long and short is that when your body is in carb-burning mode, it will use all available carbs for energy before it touches stored fat. In ketosis, your body is primed to burn fat, and this is great news for anyone trying to get trim and slim.

Benefits of Ketosis

By cutting carb intake significantly, we can drastically reduce insulin resistance, the precursor to type 2 diabetes. In addition, low-carb diets, along with exercise, can be very effective at helping alleviate the symptoms and progression of type 2 diabetes. Beyond that, ketosis itself is appetite-suppressing, meaning your hunger will naturally check itself, increasing your caloric deficit and making you lose fat even faster.

Getting Started

Ketosis takes some time to get into – about two weeks of low-carb eating is required for the initial adaptation. During this time there will be bouts of sluggishness, fatigue, headaches, and some gastrointestinal issues as you adapt, often referred to as “keto flu“. Proper electrolyte intake will correct most of these issues. In addition, the “diet” aspect of this ketogenic diet plan – that is, the caloric restriction – shouldn’t be worried about. Weight loss will come as your body regulates appetite as it the addiction to sugar and processed food lessens, so restricting calories during the initial two weeks isn’t recommended.

The meal plan is designed to ensure you get three balanced, healthy meals a day that addresses fiber, satiation, and adequate protein intake. The greatest part of a ketogenic diet is the fact that it spares muscle loss, whereas a carb-based diet doesn’t. Weight lost in a high-carb, calorie-restricted diet will often come both from muscle and fat, whereas with keto, you can burn fat without sacrificing muscle. This is referred to often as “body recomposition” and leaves you with a much more preferred physique after weight loss.

Additional Points of Interest

Ketogenic diets often create a significant loss of water during the first phases. This is because carbs are converted to glycogen in your body, which is stored in water within the muscles and liver. As you deplete stored glycogen, your body flushes this water out. This is a huge part of the initial weight loss during the first few weeks of ketosis. While the rapid fat loss does occur at first, a lot of water weight is often dropped as well, but this is a great encouragement as it often results in both weight loss and less bloating, allowing clothes to fit better.

  • Meat: Beef, goat, lamb, turkey, pork, veal, chicken.
  • Fish: Salmon, trout, catfish, sardines, tuna, haddock, and many others.
  • Fruits: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, avocado.
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, and many others.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, etc.
  • Dairy Products: Cheese, Greek yogurt, sour cream, heavy cream.
  • Fats and Oils: Peanut Butte, flaxseed oil, butter, sesame oil, olive oil, and almond oil. ( If you want to see more ketogenic diet foods, read this: The Ultimate List of Foods to Eat on a Ketogenic Diet

Foods to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet

  • Grains: Grains: Wheat, oats, corn, barley, and rye. Includes bread and pasta.
  • Artificial Sweeteners: Sucralose, Equal, Acesulfame, Splenda, Saccharin, etc.
  • Processed Foods: If it contains carrageenan, don’t eat it.
  • “Low-fat” products: Atkins products, drinks, gluten, diet soda, etc.

7-Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan And Menu

So you have found the ketogenic diet, have figured out your macros and you are itching to get started. Here is a ketogenic diet meal plan for one week. If you are just getting situated use this basic plan to help get going.


I just started MONTH five of a ketogenic diet(45 lbs lost). I’m by no means an expert. I am now 46 years old and I have spent my entire life trying to lose weight. Ironically I have also spent years learning about nutrition and exercise. Figuring out macronutrients just comes naturally to me as I have done it so much over my life. By following a keto diet this is the first time I have seen any real success in losing unwanted pounds. This is despite years of working out and being active.

I have had a very successful go of it so far, and I feel that a lot of you who are trying to get started with a ketogenic diet may get overwhelmed and confused with all of the numbers and information that is coming at you. Hence this ketogenic diet meal plan. It is what I am doing to keep things simple. I am a guy. I need simple.

For me, I think that success with a keto diet is found with having some base meals and adding some variety later on if needed. Hell, I eat the same thing pretty much every day. Not too exciting but losing 45 pounds in 4 months IS exciting, so I am sticking with it. If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.


The daily meals will be bacon and eggs, chicken with vegetables, and beef with vegetables. These are base meals and will provide good macros for some people. For others who need more food(fat), you can just add a keto-friendly snack or 2 to get your macros up to where they need to be. This is what I need to do.

  • A dozen eggs.
  • A package of bacon.
  • Butter. (real butter)
  • A pack of boneless SKIN ON chicken thighs
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 bell pepper (Green, red, yellow, that’s your choice.)
  • Two bulbs of garlic. (Optional, but very heart healthy.)
  • A big bag of mixed frozen vegetables, at least 12 cups worth. If you are not sure what to get, just pick something else that’s keto friendly like frozen broccoli.)
  •  a bag of almonds, and a jar of almond butter (very expensive – the cheapest I can find is 10$ for 750g at Costco).
  • A package of beef. You want to find some kind of beef that you can imagine cutting/dividing into 6 equal portions of about 5.5 ounces each(a bit bigger than a deck of cards.)


I am not much for cooking but I am doing better. A ketogenic diet meal plan does work better when you have food ready to go. It takes the guesswork out and we need to keep this as simple as possible in order to have success.

  • Put the 12 thighs into the oven with all the cloves from a bulb of garlic. You should separate the cloves, but you don’t need to skin them. The heat from the oven will do that nicely, and you can peel them when you eat them.
  • While the thighs are cooking, hard boil the eggs. Then set them aside to cool.
  • Take a skillet, put some butter in it, and then fry up the bacon. (Note: Some might argue that butter isn’t needed. In my experience, you can either grease up that pan somehow, or your first strips of bacon will come out burnt.)
  • Dice up half the onion, and save the other half for next week.
  • Cut up the pepper
  • You might need to take the chicken out at this point. If it’s done, pull it out, and let it cool.
  • In the skillet (I love to use the bacon grease as a base) sauté the pepper and half onion, and another bulb’s worth of garlic cloves. (leave the skin on, just like before.)
  • Add the beef and brown it.


  • Wash/rinse out 12 containers.
  • In 6 of them, put 2 chicken thighs each. Share the garlic between them, and evenly divide the fat juice.
  • In the other 6 evenly spoon out the beef/pepper/onion mix.
  • Take the veggie blend, and evenly pour it across the 12 containers, right on top of the meat.
  • Put them all in your fridge. If you have minimal fridge space you could just put some in there, and then rest in your freezer. Just pull another out when you pull from the fridge.
  • Pull out six plastic bags and put 2 hard-boiled eggs in each.
  • Evenly divide your remaining bacon by 6.
  • Now brown bag it, and put it in your fridge.


Right now you have 6 day’s worth of meals in your fridge

  • 6 bags with 2 hard-boiled eggs and bacon
  • 6 containers of thighs/veggies
  • 6 containers of Beef/Veggies

Okay, so this is only 6 days. Make extra for day 7 OR you can try to get creative and plan your own meals. Ruled. I have some awesome keto recipes if you are feeling brave.

*I messed up. The macros of each “meal” above are too high in protein and too low in fat so reduce the amount of meat in each meal by about half AND add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to each meal(or some cheese). Please forgive me!!

For this base ketogenic meal plan I am going to use the following macronutrient profile that I helped someone set up for themselves:


  • Net carbs – 20g per day
  • Protein  – 80 g per day
  • Fat  – 130 g per day

Now divide each of those by 3(for 3 meals per day) and you get:

  • ≈7 net carbs per meal
  • ≈26 grams of protein per meal
  • ≈44 grams of fat per meal

Omg, so much math! If you halve the protein in each meal you will be pretty close to these totals PER MEAL! 

Personally, I need more protein and fat each day and so will some of you. So I add in some snacks, cheese, or keto fudge during the day to get my macros up where they need to be. I also drink homemade Bulletproof coffee which for me is:

  • 1 cup coffee
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 1 tbsp full-fat coconut milk(in a can)

This adds about 25g of fat to my day.

If you got hungry on Day One between breakfast and lunch, or lunch and supper while you’re still at work eat more fat!

You may also want to consider adding these fat-boosting strategies:

  • Full fat cream, butter, coconut oil, and MCT oil in your coffee.
  • Put a tablespoon of mayonnaise on the chicken while it’s baking.
  • Top the vegetables with some cheese before reheating.


It’s also worth pointing out that you may want to consider taking a multivitamin with the ketogenic diet meal plan. It is very low on Vitamins B1, D, E, and K. Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, and Potassium are also very low, but we need to manage those as part of our electrolyte strategy anyways on keto.

Do not omit essential electrolytes: Sodium (Na+), Chloride (Cl-), Potassium (K+), Magnesium (Mg++), Calcium (Ca++), Phosphate (HPO4–), Bicarbonate (HCO3-). Lack of electrolytes or more pointedly the body’s primary electrolyte sodium (aka Salt) is responsible for lethargy, brain fog, and keto flu symptoms on high fats diets.

You should be aiming for at least 8 cups of water a day. I have a 600ml bottle and I empty it at least 10 times a day. That is a lot of water and yes I am going to the bathroom a lot. Carbs hold water, so with minimal carbs, this will speed up the flushing of water. So even more bathroom breaks.


The “easiest” way to actually track your eating(and thus your macros)  for your ketogenic diet meal plan is to set up a free account with MyFitnessPal.

This app is both web-based and/or you can use it with your phone. I cannot stress the importance of tracking what you eat. Doing this has made all the difference in the world for me and is a huge part of my keto diet success.

Once you get your account set up you just enter the food you eat and the app calculates your total consumption for each macro and your total calories. There is also a “bar code scanner” as part of the app. You use your phone to “scan” the bar code of the food you are eating and it enters it into your daily eating plan. Genius!


I am proof that a ketogenic diet works. I also know that it can be confusing as hell trying to deal with all of the numbers and then figuring out what to eat. I am hopiloss goals…


ou’ve probably heard about the low-carb, high-fat diet that’s so popular among actors and models, and with good reason: low-carb diets offer proper nourishment with whole foods while keeping your body burning fat for fuel. This is a great way to be, as it makes fat loss largely effortless! But where does this “ketogenic” word fit into the picture?

Well, ketogenic comes from the word “ketosis“, which is a state in which your body breaks down fat molecules into ketones to provide energy. This state is achieved through very low carbohydrate intake and higher than normal fat intake. The “normal” state of the body’s metabolism is called “glycolysis”, where carbs are burnt for energy. The long and short is that when your body is in carb-burning mode, it will use all available carbs for energy before it touches stored fat. In ketosis, your body is primed to burn fat, and this is great news for anyone trying to get trim and slim.

Benefits of Ketosis

By cutting carb intake significantly, we can drastically reduce insulin resistance, the precursor to type 2 diabetes. In addition, low-carb diets, along with exercise, can be very effective at helping alleviate the symptoms and progression of type 2 diabetes. Beyond that, ketosis itself is appetite-suppressing, meaning your hunger will naturally check itself, increasing your caloric deficit and making you lose fat even faster.

Getting Started

Ketosis takes some time to get into – about two weeks of low-carb eating is required for the initial adaptation. During this time there will be bouts of sluggishness, fatigue, headaches, and some gastrointestinal issues as you adapt, often referred to as “keto flu“. Proper electrolyte intake will correct most of these issues. In addition, the “diet” aspect of this ketogenic diet plan – that is, the caloric restriction – shouldn’t be worried about. Weight loss will come as your body regulates appetite as it the addiction to sugar and processed food lessens, so restricting calories during the initial two weeks isn’t recommended.

The meal plan is designed to ensure you get three balanced, healthy meals a day that addresses fiber, satiation, and adequate protein intake. The greatest part of a ketogenic diet is the fact that it spares muscle loss, whereas a carb-based diet doesn’t. Weight lost in a high-carb, calorie-restricted diet will often come both from muscle and fat, whereas with keto, you can burn fat without sacrificing muscle. This is referred to often as “body recomposition” and leaves you with a much more preferred physique after weight loss.

Additional Points of Interest

Ketogenic diets often create a significant loss of water during the first phases. This is because carbs are converted to glycogen in your body, which is stored in water within the muscles and liver. As you deplete stored glycogen, your body flushes this water out. This is a huge part of the initial weight loss during the first few weeks of ketosis. While the rapid fat loss does occur at first, a lot of water weight is often dropped as well, but this is a great encouragement as it often results in both weight loss and less bloating, allowing clothes to fit better.

  • Meat: Beef, goat, lamb, turkey, pork, veal, chicken.
  • Fish: Salmon, trout, catfish, sardines, tuna, haddock, and many others.
  • Fruits: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, avocado.
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, and many others.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, etc.
  • Dairy Products: Cheese, Greek yogurt, sour cream, heavy cream.
  • Fats and Oils: Peanut Butte, flaxseed oil, butter, sesame oil, olive oil, and almond oil. ( If you want to see more ketogenic diet foods, read this: The Ultimate List of Foods to Eat on a Ketogenic Diet

Foods to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet

  • Grains: Grains: Wheat, oats, corn, barley, and rye. Includes bread and pasta.
  • Artificial Sweeteners: Sucralose, Equal, Acesulfame, Splenda, Saccharin, etc.
  • Processed Foods: If it contains carrageenan, don’t eat it.
  • “Low-fat” products: Atkins products, drinks, gluten, diet soda, etc.

7-Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan And Menu

So you have found the ketogenic diet, have figured out your macros and you are itching to get started. Here is a ketogenic diet meal plan for one week. If you are just getting situated use this basic plan to help get going.


I just started MONTH five of a ketogenic diet(45 lbs lost). I’m by no means an expert. I am now 46 years old and I have spent my entire life trying to lose weight. Ironically I have also spent years learning about nutrition and exercise. Figuring out macronutrients just comes naturally to me as I have done it so much over my life. By following a keto diet this is the first time I have seen any real success in losing unwanted pounds. This is despite years of working out and being active.

I have had a very successful go of it so far, and I feel that a lot of you who are trying to get started with a ketogenic diet may get overwhelmed and confused with all of the numbers and information that is coming at you. Hence this ketogenic diet meal plan. It is what I am doing to keep things simple. I am a guy. I need simple.

For me, I think that success with a keto diet is found with having some base meals and adding some variety later on if needed. Hell, I eat the same thing pretty much every day. Not too exciting but losing 45 pounds in 4 months IS exciting, so I am sticking with it. If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.


The daily meals will be bacon and eggs, chicken with vegetables, and beef with vegetables. These are base meals and will provide good macros for some people. For others who need more food(fat), you can just add a keto-friendly snack or 2 to get your macros up to where they need to be. This is what I need to do.

  • A dozen eggs.
  • A package of bacon.
  • Butter. (real butter)
  • A pack of boneless SKIN ON chicken thighs
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 bell pepper (Green, red, yellow, that’s your choice.)
  • Two bulbs of garlic. (Optional, but very heart healthy.)
  • A big bag of mixed frozen vegetables, at least 12 cups worth. If you are not sure what to get, just pick something else that’s keto friendly like frozen broccoli.)
  •  a bag of almonds, and a jar of almond butter (very expensive – the cheapest I can find is 10$ for 750g at Costco).
  • A package of beef. You want to find some kind of beef that you can imagine cutting/dividing into 6 equal portions of about 5.5 ounces each(a bit bigger than a deck of cards.)


I am not much for cooking but I am doing better. A ketogenic diet meal plan does work better when you have food ready to go. It takes the guesswork out and we need to keep this as simple as possible in order to have success.

  • Put the 12 thighs into the oven with all the cloves from a bulb of garlic. You should separate the cloves, but you don’t need to skin them. The heat from the oven will do that nicely, and you can peel them when you eat them.
  • While the thighs are cooking, hard boil the eggs. Then set them aside to cool.
  • Take a skillet, put some butter in it, and then fry up the bacon. (Note: Some might argue that butter isn’t needed. In my experience, you can either grease up that pan somehow, or your first strips of bacon will come out burnt.)
  • Dice up half the onion, and save the other half for next week.
  • Cut up the pepper
  • You might need to take the chicken out at this point. If it’s done, pull it out, and let it cool.
  • In the skillet (I love to use the bacon grease as a base) sauté the pepper and half onion, and another bulb’s worth of garlic cloves. (leave the skin on, just like before.)
  • Add the beef and brown it.


  • Wash/rinse out 12 containers.
  • In 6 of them, put 2 chicken thighs each. Share the garlic between them, and evenly divide the fat juice.
  • In the other 6 evenly spoon out the beef/pepper/onion mix.
  • Take the veggie blend, and evenly pour it across the 12 containers, right on top of the meat.
  • Put them all in your fridge. If you have minimal fridge space you could just put some in there, and then rest in your freezer. Just pull another out when you pull from the fridge.
  • Pull out six plastic bags and put 2 hard-boiled eggs in each.
  • Evenly divide your remaining bacon by 6.
  • Now brown bag it, and put it in your fridge.


Right now you have 6 day’s worth of meals in your fridge

  • 6 bags with 2 hard-boiled eggs and bacon
  • 6 containers of thighs/veggies
  • 6 containers of Beef/Veggies

Okay, so this is only 6 days. Make extra for day 7 OR you can try to get creative and plan your own meals. Ruled. I have some awesome keto recipes if you are feeling brave.

*I messed up. The macros of each “meal” above are too high in protein and too low in fat so reduce the amount of meat in each meal by about half AND add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to each meal(or some cheese). Please forgive me!!

For this base ketogenic meal plan I am going to use the following macronutrient profile that I helped someone set up for themselves:


  • Net carbs – 20g per day
  • Protein  – 80 g per day
  • Fat  – 130 g per day

Now divide each of those by 3(for 3 meals per day) and you get:

  • ≈7 net carbs per meal
  • ≈26 grams of protein per meal
  • ≈44 grams of fat per meal

Omg, so much math! If you halve the protein in each meal you will be pretty close to these totals PER MEAL! 

Personally, I need more protein and fat each day and so will some of you. So I add in some snacks, cheese, or keto fudge during the day to get my macros up where they need to be. I also drink homemade Bulletproof coffee which for me is:

  • 1 cup coffee
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 1 tbsp full-fat coconut milk(in a can)

This adds about 25g of fat to my day.

If you got hungry on Day One between breakfast and lunch, or lunch and supper while you’re still at work eat more fat!

You may also want to consider adding these fat-boosting strategies:

  • Full fat cream, butter, coconut oil, and MCT oil in your coffee.
  • Put a tablespoon of mayonnaise on the chicken while it’s baking.
  • Top the vegetables with some cheese before reheating.


It’s also worth pointing out that you may want to consider taking a multivitamin with the ketogenic diet meal plan. It is very low on Vitamins B1, D, E, and K. Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, and Potassium are also very low, but we need to manage those as part of our electrolyte strategy anyways on keto.

Do not omit essential electrolytes: Sodium (Na+), Chloride (Cl-), Potassium (K+), Magnesium (Mg++), Calcium (Ca++), Phosphate (HPO4–), Bicarbonate (HCO3-). Lack of electrolytes or more pointedly the body’s primary electrolyte sodium (aka Salt) is responsible for lethargy, brain fog, and keto flu symptoms on high fats diets.

You should be aiming for at least 8 cups of water a day. I have a 600ml bottle and I empty it at least 10 times a day. That is a lot of water and yes I am going to the bathroom a lot. Carbs hold water, so with minimal carbs, this will speed up the flushing of water. So even more bathroom breaks.


The “easiest” way to actually track your eating(and thus your macros)  for your ketogenic diet meal plan is to set up a free account with MyFitnessPal.

This app is both web-based and/or you can use it with your phone. I cannot stress the importance of tracking what you eat. Doing this has made all the difference in the world for me and is a huge part of my keto diet success.

Once you get your account set up you just enter the food you eat and the app calculates your total consumption for each macro and your total calories. There is also a “bar code scanner” as part of the app. You use your phone to “scan” the bar code of the food you are eating and it enters it into your daily eating plan. Genius!


I am proof that a ketogenic diet works. I also know that it can be confusing as hell trying to deal with all of the numbers and then figuring out what to eat. I am hopi


ou’ve probably heard about the low-carb, high-fat diet that’s so popular among actors and models, and with good reason: low-carb diets offer proper nourishment with whole foods while keeping your body burning fat for fuel. This is a great way to be, as it makes fat loss largely effortless! But where does this “ketogenic” word fit into the picture?

Well, ketogenic comes from the word “ketosis“, which is a state in which your body breaks down fat molecules into ketones to provide energy. This state is achieved through very low carbohydrate intake and higher than normal fat intake. The “normal” state of the body’s metabolism is called “glycolysis”, where carbs are burnt for energy. The long and short is that when your body is in carb-burning mode, it will use all available carbs for energy before it touches stored fat. In ketosis, your body is primed to burn fat, and this is great news for anyone trying to get trim and slim.

Benefits of Ketosis

By cutting carb intake significantly, we can drastically reduce insulin resistance, the precursor to type 2 diabetes. In addition, low-carb diets, along with exercise, can be very effective at helping alleviate the symptoms and progression of type 2 diabetes. Beyond that, ketosis itself is appetite-suppressing, meaning your hunger will naturally check itself, increasing your caloric deficit and making you lose fat even faster.

Getting Started

Ketosis takes some time to get into – about two weeks of low-carb eating is required for the initial adaptation. During this time there will be bouts of sluggishness, fatigue, headaches, and some gastrointestinal issues as you adapt, often referred to as “keto flu“. Proper electrolyte intake will correct most of these issues. In addition, the “diet” aspect of this ketogenic diet plan – that is, the caloric restriction – shouldn’t be worried about. Weight loss will come as your body regulates appetite as it the addiction to sugar and processed food lessens, so restricting calories during the initial two weeks isn’t recommended.

The meal plan is designed to ensure you get three balanced, healthy meals a day that addresses fiber, satiation, and adequate protein intake. The greatest part of a ketogenic diet is the fact that it spares muscle loss, whereas a carb-based diet doesn’t. Weight lost in a high-carb, calorie-restricted diet will often come both from muscle and fat, whereas with keto, you can burn fat without sacrificing muscle. This is referred to often as “body recomposition” and leaves you with a much more preferred physique after weight loss.

Additional Points of Interest

Ketogenic diets often create a significant loss of water during the first phases. This is because carbs are converted to glycogen in your body, which is stored in water within the muscles and liver. As you deplete stored glycogen, your body flushes this water out. This is a huge part of the initial weight loss during the first few weeks of ketosis. While the rapid fat loss does occur at first, a lot of water weight is often dropped as well, but this is a great encouragement as it often results in both weight loss and less bloating, allowing clothes to fit better.

  • Meat: Beef, goat, lamb, turkey, pork, veal, chicken.
  • Fish: Salmon, trout, catfish, sardines, tuna, haddock, and many others.
  • Fruits: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, avocado.
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, and many others.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, etc.
  • Dairy Products: Cheese, Greek yogurt, sour cream, heavy cream.
  • Fats and Oils: Peanut Butte, flaxseed oil, butter, sesame oil, olive oil, and almond oil. ( If you want to see more ketogenic diet foods, read this: The Ultimate List of Foods to Eat on a Ketogenic Diet

Foods to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet

  • Grains: Grains: Wheat, oats, corn, barley, and rye. Includes bread and pasta.
  • Artificial Sweeteners: Sucralose, Equal, Acesulfame, Splenda, Saccharin, etc.
  • Processed Foods: If it contains carrageenan, don’t eat it.
  • “Low-fat” products: Atkins products, drinks, gluten, diet soda, etc.

7-Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan And Menu

So you have found the ketogenic diet, have figured out your macros and you are itching to get started. Here is a ketogenic diet meal plan for one week. If you are just getting situated use this basic plan to help get going.


I just started MONTH five of a ketogenic diet(45 lbs lost). I’m by no means an expert. I am now 46 years old and I have spent my entire life trying to lose weight. Ironically I have also spent years learning about nutrition and exercise. Figuring out macronutrients just comes naturally to me as I have done it so much over my life. By following a keto diet this is the first time I have seen any real success in losing unwanted pounds. This is despite years of working out and being active.

I have had a very successful go of it so far, and I feel that a lot of you who are trying to get started with a ketogenic diet may get overwhelmed and confused with all of the numbers and information that is coming at you. Hence this ketogenic diet meal plan. It is what I am doing to keep things simple. I am a guy. I need simple.

For me, I think that success with a keto diet is found with having some base meals and adding some variety later on if needed. Hell, I eat the same thing pretty much every day. Not too exciting but losing 45 pounds in 4 months IS exciting, so I am sticking with it. If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.


The daily meals will be bacon and eggs, chicken with vegetables, and beef with vegetables. These are base meals and will provide good macros for some people. For others who need more food(fat), you can just add a keto-friendly snack or 2 to get your macros up to where they need to be. This is what I need to do.

  • A dozen eggs.
  • A package of bacon.
  • Butter. (real butter)
  • A pack of boneless SKIN ON chicken thighs
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 bell pepper (Green, red, yellow, that’s your choice.)
  • Two bulbs of garlic. (Optional, but very heart healthy.)
  • A big bag of mixed frozen vegetables, at least 12 cups worth. If you are not sure what to get, just pick something else that’s keto friendly like frozen broccoli.)
  •  a bag of almonds, and a jar of almond butter (very expensive – the cheapest I can find is 10$ for 750g at Costco).
  • A package of beef. You want to find some kind of beef that you can imagine cutting/dividing into 6 equal portions of about 5.5 ounces each(a bit bigger than a deck of cards.)


I am not much for cooking but I am doing better. A ketogenic diet meal plan does work better when you have food ready to go. It takes the guesswork out and we need to keep this as simple as possible in order to have success.

  • Put the 12 thighs into the oven with all the cloves from a bulb of garlic. You should separate the cloves, but you don’t need to skin them. The heat from the oven will do that nicely, and you can peel them when you eat them.
  • While the thighs are cooking, hard boil the eggs. Then set them aside to cool.
  • Take a skillet, put some butter in it, and then fry up the bacon. (Note: Some might argue that butter isn’t needed. In my experience, you can either grease up that pan somehow, or your first strips of bacon will come out burnt.)
  • Dice up half the onion, and save the other half for next week.
  • Cut up the pepper
  • You might need to take the chicken out at this point. If it’s done, pull it out, and let it cool.
  • In the skillet (I love to use the bacon grease as a base) sauté the pepper and half onion, and another bulb’s worth of garlic cloves. (leave the skin on, just like before.)
  • Add the beef and brown it.


  • Wash/rinse out 12 containers.
  • In 6 of them, put 2 chicken thighs each. Share the garlic between them, and evenly divide the fat juice.
  • In the other 6 evenly spoon out the beef/pepper/onion mix.
  • Take the veggie blend, and evenly pour it across the 12 containers, right on top of the meat.
  • Put them all in your fridge. If you have minimal fridge space you could just put some in there, and then rest in your freezer. Just pull another out when you pull from the fridge.
  • Pull out six plastic bags and put 2 hard-boiled eggs in each.
  • Evenly divide your remaining bacon by 6.
  • Now brown bag it, and put it in your fridge.


Right now you have 6 day’s worth of meals in your fridge

  • 6 bags with 2 hard-boiled eggs and bacon
  • 6 containers of thighs/veggies
  • 6 containers of Beef/Veggies

Okay, so this is only 6 days. Make extra for day 7 OR you can try to get creative and plan your own meals. Ruled. I have some awesome keto recipes if you are feeling brave.

*I messed up. The macros of each “meal” above are too high in protein and too low in fat so reduce the amount of meat in each meal by about half AND add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to each meal(or some cheese). Please forgive me!!

For this base ketogenic meal plan I am going to use the following macronutrient profile that I helped someone set up for themselves:


  • Net carbs – 20g per day
  • Protein  – 80 g per day
  • Fat  – 130 g per day

Now divide each of those by 3(for 3 meals per day) and you get:

  • ≈7 net carbs per meal
  • ≈26 grams of protein per meal
  • ≈44 grams of fat per meal

Omg, so much math! If you halve the protein in each meal you will be pretty close to these totals PER MEAL! 

Personally, I need more protein and fat each day and so will some of you. So I add in some snacks, cheese, or keto fudge during the day to get my macros up where they need to be. I also drink homemade Bulletproof coffee which for me is:

  • 1 cup coffee
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 1 tbsp full-fat coconut milk(in a can)

This adds about 25g of fat to my day.

If you got hungry on Day One between breakfast and lunch, or lunch and supper while you’re still at work eat more fat!

You may also want to consider adding these fat-boosting strategies:

  • Full fat cream, butter, coconut oil, and MCT oil in your coffee.
  • Put a tablespoon of mayonnaise on the chicken while it’s baking.
  • Top the vegetables with some cheese before reheating.


It’s also worth pointing out that you may want to consider taking a multivitamin with the ketogenic diet meal plan. It is very low on Vitamins B1, D, E, and K. Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, and Potassium are also very low, but we need to manage those as part of our electrolyte strategy anyways on keto.

Do not omit essential electrolytes: Sodium (Na+), Chloride (Cl-), Potassium (K+), Magnesium (Mg++), Calcium (Ca++), Phosphate (HPO4–), Bicarbonate (HCO3-). Lack of electrolytes or more pointedly the body’s primary electrolyte sodium (aka Salt) is responsible for lethargy, brain fog, and keto flu symptoms on high fats diets.

You should be aiming for at least 8 cups of water a day. I have a 600ml bottle and I empty it at least 10 times a day. That is a lot of water and yes I am going to the bathroom a lot. Carbs hold water, so with minimal carbs, this will speed up the flushing of water. So even more bathroom breaks.


The “easiest” way to actually track your eating(and thus your macros)  for your ketogenic diet meal plan is to set up a free account with MyFitnessPal.

This app is both web-based and/or you can use it with your phone. I cannot stress the importance of tracking what you eat. Doing this has made all the difference in the world for me and is a huge part of my keto diet success.

Once you get your account set up you just enter the food you eat and the app calculates your total consumption for each macro and your total calories. There is also a “bar code scanner” as part of the app. You use your phone to “scan” the bar code of the food you are eating and it enters it into your daily eating plan. Genius!


I am proof that a ketogenic diet works. I also know that it can be confusing as hell trying to deal with all of the numbers and then figuring out what to eat. I am hopi

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