• 2 medium zucchinis
• 1 tbsp hot sauce
• juice of 1 lime
• 1 tsp taco seasoning (I make this myself to avoid fillers)
• Olive oil cooking spray, optional
• Slice zucchini on the thinnest mandolin setting
• Mix together hot sauce, lime juice and seasonings in bowl
•Add zucchini to the bowl and let sit for up to 20 minutes.
•Preheat oven to 250 degrees Celsius
•Line baking sheets with parchment paper and lay on the zucchini chips – they can overlap and be as close as they can be, as they shrink so much and don’t end up sticking in the end.
• Spray with cooking oil, should you choose. I find that they go soggy sooner if I spray them (on the rare chance you don’t eat them all within the first 2 days)
• Bake for 1.5-2 hours, rotating trays half way through. Until you figure these out in your oven, watch them closely for the last half hour.