21- Day Sugar Detox keto Diet Plan


Our body needs sugar to work properly, but when we consume it in huge amounts, they may cause different disorders and disease. If you want to protect your health and at the same time lose your extra weight, you should detox your body from sugar.

Our team Go Fit Stay Fit is going to recommend you a 21-day sugar detox diet plan. During this diet, you will consume sugar only through fruits.

Here you have a weakly plan:

Day 1

Breakfast:  two boiled eggs with tomatoes and cucumber salad

Snack: Pomegranate

Lunch:  Tuna, brown rice, and veggie soup

Snack: Orange juice

Dinner: Baked pork with onions and spinach

Day 2

Breakfast: Greek yogurt and two bananas

Snack: A handful of almonds

Lunch: Chicken salad and one apple

Snack: A cup of berries

Dinner: Vegetable salad


Day 3

Breakfast: Fruit salad and a glass of orange juice

Snack: Veggie soup

Lunch: Turkey steak and veggies

Snack: One apple

Dinner: Steamed chicken breast with greens

Day 4

Breakfast:  omelet with asparagus, tomato, and peppers

Snack: A handful of walnuts

Lunch:  Tomato soup and veggies

Snack: One grapefruit

Dinner: Grilled salmon with veggies

Day 5

Breakfast: Oatmeal with soy milk and one banana

Snack: One apple

Lunch: Mushroom soup and chicken breasts

Snack: A glass of orange juice

Dinner: Vegetables and chicken soup


Day 6

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs and vegetable salad

Snack: A handful of almonds

Lunch: Bean salad and two bananas

Snack: One apple and a glass of orange juice

Dinner: Baked fish with cheese and tomatoes

Day 7

Breakfast: Two slices of whole grain toast with ham and cheese

Snack: A glass of soy milk and a protein bar

Lunch: Grilled broccoli, spinach and a half a cup of tuna

Snack:  Greek yogurt and berries

Dinner: Creamy broccoli soup and fresh veggies


Follow this diet plan for 21 days, and then you need to make a seven-day pause. After that, you may continue the diet another 21 days.

Rules you should follow this diet:

– Avoid alcohol, coffee, and tea

– Avoid soda

– Avoid sweets, cookies, and cakes

– Never take your dinner after 8 pm

– Drink plenty of water

– Exercise regularly

– Have enough sleep

– Relieve stress ( practice yoga, meditation)

– Never skip a meal


– Never follow the diet more than 21 days without a recommended pause

– Before starting the diet, you should consult your nutritionist or doctor