Mini Cheese Cakes! Yassss!


Here is our mini cheese cake recipe! So good!

The Best Mini Cheese Cakes


3oz 1/2 Cup Approx Pecans
3oz 1/2 Cup Approx Almonds
5 tbsp Butter Melted
1 tbsp Brown Sugar Substitute

1 8oz Pack Cream Cheese Softened
4 Tbsp Pyure or Low Carb Sweetener
1 Large Egg
3 Tbsp Heavy Whipping Cream
3 Tbsp Sour Cream



Pre Heat Oven To 300 degrees

Process 3oz (1/2 cup approx) Almonds and 3oz (1/2 cup approx) Pecans in food processor or blender until ground, mix in 1 tbsp Brown Sugar substitute and melted butter. Spoon evenly into 12 lined muffin tins.

Blend 8oz package of softened Cream Cheese with 4tbsp Pyure (or low carb equivalent) Add 1 egg, 3 tbsp Heavy Cream, 3 tbsp Sour Cream and blend till mixed. Spoon evenly muffin tins

Bake 300 – 50-60 mins until tops are golden.

Place in fridge 2-3 hours to cool.

Makes 12 Servings:
Per Cheese Cake
213 Cal, 21.9g Fat, 3g Net Carbs, 4.23g Protein
