Keto Lasagna

Serves 6

Per Serving: 

Net Carbs .2g
Protein 25.8g
Fat 23g
Calories 346

Meat Sauce:
1 LB Ground Beef
1 Can Tomatoes
1 Cup Mushrooms
1 Cup Beef Stock
4 Cloves garlic
1 Cup Diced Onion
1 TBSP Olive Oil

Cheese Sauce:
4 OZ Cream Cheese
1 Cup Cheddar
1 OZ Mozzarella
1 Cup Cream
2 Large Zucchini

  1. In a small pot add the cream, cream
    cheese, cheddar and mozzarella. Warm
    slowly until all the cheese has melted but
    do not bring to a boil. Set to the side.
  2. Heat a medium pan and add the olive oil.
    Add the diced onion and garlic and fry for
    5-10 minutes until starting to brown.
  3. Add the mushrooms and ground beef and
    cook until browned. Season with a pinch
    of salt and pepper.
  4. Add the tomatoes and beef stock and
    simmer for 20-30 minutes until sauce
    has reduced. Set to the side.
  5. Cut the zucchini into thin strips using a
    mandolin or vegetable peeler. Grease and
    line a baking tin.
  6. Layer the lasagna finishing with a layer
    of the cheese sauce. Top with some
    additional shredded cheese.
    Bake for 30-40 minutes a 350°F.